Commander of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Menwa Unit for the 2020 – 2021 Period Inaugurated


The Commander of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Student Regiment, Azmi Ubaidillah for the 2019-2020 period of service handed over the management baton to Ivory Giyan Mitari, the elected Commander for the 2020-2021 period of service. The Handover of Position was held on Tuesday, 11 March 2020 at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika UPNVJ Auditorium.

The inauguration ceremony was led directly by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH as the ceremony inspector. Witnessed by Kapolsek Limo Suharto, IARMI UPN Veterans Jakarta unit, UPNVJ UKM delegation, as well as all Menwa Jayakarta commanders from UNKRIS, STAINI, UIN, STKIPKN, UP, UI, PNJ, UNJ and UIC units. Dr. Ria symbolically pinned and inaugurated the position of Menwa Commander of the UPN Veterans Jakarta unit to Ivory Giyan Mitari, a 2017 class of Marine Engineering Faculty student.

In her remarks, Ria Maria hoped that the leadership of the new Menwa UPNVJ under Commander Giyan Mitari could make changes for the better. "Hopefully Menwa can continue to carry out and assist the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education at UPNVJ," he explained.

Ria Maria also reminded about the purpose of the Menwa organization which supports awareness of the implementation of state defense and nationalism. "Let's keep on guarding that our students (UPNVJ) have a spirit of defending the country. This is very urgent given the swift challenges facing this nation, both from within and from abroad," he said


In addition, Suharto as the Head of the Limo Police expressed his hope to hire UPNVJ so that the disciplinary attitude of Battalion 6 could set an example for other students in the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment, namely Discipline, Honest, Innovative, Diligent and Tenacious.

Meanwhile Ivory Giyan Mitari, the elected commander of Menwa said he would carry out his vision and mission and uphold the motto of the Indonesian student regiment, namely Widya Castrena Dharma Siddha which means perfecting service to science and soldiering knowledge.


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