In order to be aware of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) issued Circular Number: 23/UN61.0/SE/2020 concerning Measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus (covid-19) within the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment. One of the policies conveyed in the circular letter is changing face-to-face lectures to distance learning (PJJ).
The change from face-to-face lectures to distance lectures at UPNVJ starts from Monday, March 16 to March 21 2020 as a trial phase, then March 23 2020 in full holding PJJ until the deadline set later. For this reason, Faculty and Study Program leaders are asked to provide the support needed by lecturers to be able to organize PJJ.
In addition to providing lecture material and online interaction with students, lecturers are required to carry out evaluations to assess student competency achievements. In addition, in the circular letter, if the PJJ is extended to the end of the semester, the Lecturer is given the authority to administer the Mid Semester Examination (UTS) and Final Semester Examination (UAS) by using a variety of evaluation facilities available in the UPNVJ 4.0 E-Leaming system or other creative methods agreed upon. by all members of the Teaching Team and the Head of Study Program.
Lectures in the form of practice or practicum that require direct guidance such as practice in laboratories, clinics or other practical activities are still held provided that these activities have implemented standards to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. If necessary the head of study program/department/faculty can reschedule according to the development of the situation.
Test activities with limited participants can still be carried out in the exam room by implementing standards to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. However, other academic activities such as thesis guidance, academic guidance or other academic consulting activities can be carried out entirely online.
Postponing scientific meetings/workshops/seminars and other academic activities that increase the concentration and interaction of people in one location which may reduce awareness of efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection until further information is available.
University activities that are integrated with the national agenda such as New Student Admissions in the form of Computer Based Writing Examinations (UTBK) are still being held by setting standards of caution and protocols for controlling the spread of the Covid-19 infection that apply within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment.