Re-registration information for 2020 SNMPTN CAMABA


HumasUPNVJ – After being declared passed through the 2020 State University Entrance National Selection (SNMPTN) at the State Defense Campus, there are several stages of re-registration that must be completed. But as we know, currently Indonesia, especially the city of Jakarta, is facing a pandemic in the form of a terrible disease outbreak, so as good citizens who comply with government regulations, we must practice social distancing for an undetermined amount of time. So, for UPNVJ candidates for the 2020 SNMPTN route, you don't need to go to campus, by #dirumahaja you can carry out the re-registration stage to determine Single Tuition Fee (UKT) and complete your personal data as a UPNVJ student. Please visit for complete information at: so that be able to fulfill the obligations of the terms of admission of new students.

For further information, please contact the information section of the 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta New Student Admissions Committee via:

WhatsApp ( WA Chat Only ) 085883022351 or 085883022352 or 085960505999

Email :

We only convey information, announcements and news on the acceptance of new students through the official website:

Official social media:

Instagram: @upnveteranjakarta

Facebook: @upnjakarta

Twitter : @upnjakarta

Youtube : @upnveteranjakarta

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy. Greetings Defense of the Country!

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