UPNVJ Cares About Covid-19


HumasUPNVJ - Concern for efforts to prevent transmission of Corona Virus Disease or Covid-19 in the campus environment comes from various parties, one of the supports and attention comes from the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Student Organizations, BEM UPNVJ and IKA UPN Veteran Jakarta, Thursday 09/04/20.

The purpose of this activity is none other than an effort to show concern for the campus which has the identity of defending the country in helping to ease the burden for those directly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and helping the medical team as the frontline in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.


The assistance distributed was in the form of basic food logistics and some staple food for students who were directly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak where students who are entitled to assistance are students who are not allowed to return home and who are still living in their respective boarding houses, while for the medical team, UPNVJ distributed complete Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) and Medical Equipment, disinfectants and hand sanitizers . Some of the hospitals that we provided assistance, including Rs. Pasar Minggu and Rs. Budi Asih.

The UPNVJ public relations team had the opportunity to conduct an online interview with the Head of the LPPM Center, Ikhsan, in the interview he gave hope regarding the activities that care about Covid-19 that UPNVJ is carrying out, "Hopefully with this activity, we can all help and ease the burden on society, especially UPNVJ students. and the medical team who are at the forefront of dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic outbreak. Hopefully the Covid 19 pandemic outbreak will end soon, so that we can all return to our activities as usual and I also invite other people to come together, let's help lighten the burden for the medical team by how to maintain health, maintain interaction in the outside environment, manage a good diet and of course stay at home”. he said


Let's pray together that this pandemic will end soon, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Greetings to Defend the Country!

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