51 New UPN Veteran Jakarta Doctors, Take the Oath of the 62nd Batch Virtually

HumasUPNVJ - The first moment due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic, the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine (FK-UPNVJ) held the Inauguration and took the 62nd batch of Doctors' Oath virtually, on Wednesday, 3 June 2020.

The doctor's oath taking which was carried out virtually was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, dr. Prijo Sidipratomo and followed by 51 new doctors with each embracing the Koran.

Technically the implementation, the dean and his staff conducted it online at the dr. Wahidin UPNVJ and other participants attended the oath reading via zoom meeting.


(Dean of FK UPNVJ)

Dean of FK UPNVJ dr. Prijo Sidipratomo conveyed his gratitude to the parents and new doctors because they believed they could carry out their education at UPNVJ. He also told the true story of a doctor who also served as Regent of Kulon Progo, Dr. Hasto Wardoyo who can inspire new doctors to follow in his footsteps by always prioritizing the interests and health of the people.

dr. Prijo hopes that as UPNVJ graduates they can implement the spirit of State Defense because this is the identity of UPNVJ and graduates can become leaders and contribute to the environment and social life.

“Be a doctor who cares about your people, your nation. You can liberate this country to become a healthy country, starting from yourself because you are agents of change," added dr. Prijo.


( Dr. Widya Novit Amanda graduated with the highest GPA)

It should be noted, UPNVJ FK this year has graduated 51 new doctors with an average GPA of 3.50 and the highest GPA was achieved by dr. Widya Novit Amanda with a GPA of 3.71. Not only that, in this period the highest score for the CBT Exam was 87 by dr. Wiraga Adi Nugraha and the highest National OSCE score of 31.33 by dr. Rachmat Aminullah and the percentage of firstaker graduates was 88.37%. Until now, UPN Veterans Jakarta Medical Faculty has graduated 2,664 doctors.

On this occasion, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati, representing the university senate, congratulated the doctor on the oath. Even though it was done virtually, it did not reduce the meaning of the oath that was said.


(UPNVJ Chancellor)

"This moment will become a memory, become a story someday, of course the most important thing is not only the ceremonial event, but the oath that has been said properly can also be accounted for as well as possible," said the chancellor.

The Chancellor also said, taking this oath he felt how extraordinary the profession that would be carried would be able to provide guarantees to the public about the responsibilities of a doctor and the behavior that must be maintained in society.

"As the chancellor, I also took an oath and this oath was made so that we are aware of the ethics that must be carried out, be responsible, maintain integrity and not abuse the profession. Just like you who take an oath to always put the community first and behave well to your colleagues. This oath cannot only be said and it is not heavy either, if we have the intention to fulfill the oath that we convey. Let's start from ourselves, hopefully this will be the start of a movement for a better Indonesia," said the chancellor.

The Chancellor also advised, "Understand and practice all the contents of the oath, believe that if the oath is carried out in earnest then you will become a doctor that has been expected by society so far, who always prioritizes the health of patients regardless of social status. As a graduate from UPNVJ who has the mandate to be a State Defense Campus where the value of Struggle is a differentiator from graduates from other universities, defending the country must be your main identity in carrying out your professional duties as a doctor, "explained the chancellor.


(New Doctor Dr. Ibnu Wadud Pujangga)

On this occasion, as a new doctor's representative who is also chairman of the implementation of the doctor's oath in the 62nd generation, dr. Ibnu Wadud Pujangga expressed his gratitude to all the academic community of FK UPNVJ and the senior generation so that today he and his colleagues can present this doctor's oath. Ibnu recounts the various struggles he and his colleagues have experienced up to this point. Ibnu feels that during the struggle that he and his colleagues went through, it has produced good results and he can feel it.

Ibnu also conveyed an important message which has also been his motivation so far "in life sometimes we are given various problems and trials that are given in our life, but make the trials even poisons that life gives us, we enjoy so that they will be a blessing for us in the future. Hopefully the title obtained will be a blessing for all of us, “concluded Ibnu.

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