Beni Harmoni: Violations of Children's Rights Increase During the Covid-19 Pandemic


HumasUPNVJ - Reported on the page, UPNVJ Law Faculty Lecturer, Dr. Beni Harmoni Harefa was the guest speaker at the Online Seminar with the theme "Legal Protection of Children's Rights during the Covid-19 Pandemic" organized by UMA Medan and UPN Veteran Jakarta which was held on Friday, May 29 2020.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation and plans to implement government policies for the New Normal Era ( New Normal ), children are the most vulnerable group and have the potential to lose their rights. This has attracted the attention of the campus as a repository for academics to realize the Tri Darma of Higher Education.

In line with that, said Beni Harmoni, it has been expressly regulated in the elucidation of Article 5 paragraph 3 of Law 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. In addition, children in the process of psychological growth are not well organized, one of the things that influence the child's growth process is the surrounding environment.

"Why do children need special treatment in society because children are expected as the next generation. This is clear because it is children who will carry on the nation's baton," said Beni Harmoni Harefa.

This lecturer at the Faculty of Law (FH) at the Jakarta Development University (UPN) Veterans Jakarta said that various potential violations of children's rights during the current Covid-19 pandemic occurred frequently and even increased.

At least according to Beni Harefa, there are five potential problems for children during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely an increase in cases of violence against children, assimilation and integration rights for children are not maximized, the diversion process (criminal justice system) for children is experiencing problems, learning is not optimal (children's study time), as well as the potential for neglect due to parents' economic difficulties.

"When Covid-19 will certainly greatly impact the community's economy, so this will have a very bad impact on children," he said.

Beni also questioned the government's policy plan to implement the new normal, what kind of life impact will children experience in their lives, especially during the school years later.

"The question is whether the health protocol has been followed correctly later? Then are the facilities equipped, is the community's understanding sufficient? for me it's still not (ready) especially the health facilities and protocols. Don't be new normal , yesterday's PSBB was still being contested and people's understanding was still lacking," he explained.

Still in the Webinar, Beni suggested that there should be efforts through a child protection system during the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which was the concern of all parties, especially families, government, and stakeholders.

"Even though (in the situation of) the Covid-19 pandemic, (but) children's rights are not violated and are still being fulfilled so that the government's ideals which have the tagline Excellent Indonesia, can be achieved when all children's rights, especially during the Covid-19 period this is not violated.”

The webinar, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area (UMA) Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi SH, was attended by academics, students and observers of children. The Dean of the Faculty of Law of UMA said that this webinar was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, University of Medan Area and the Jakarta Veterans National Development University.

"This webinar is also in line with the Vision of the Faculty of Law of UMA, which is to become an excellent Faculty and be able to produce critical, professional and moral law practitioners and academies," said Rizkan.

He also mentioned that this activity was a manifestation of the Tri Darma of Higher Education, especially UMA.

"I hope that holding this event can ease the community or slightly overcome the difficulties that are occurring in people's lives in dealing with the current Covid-19 pandemic," he said.

Also present at this webinar were UMA Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Zaini Munawir, UMA Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ridho Mubarak and participants who were generally lecturers, students from various state and private universities and the general public, totaling 130 people.


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