Turning on Creativity During a Pandemic, UFO UKM Holds Virtual Photoshoot Class Sessions for Its Members Online


HumasUPNVJ - Since the announcement of the Corona virus outbreak, various activities in the world of education can no longer run as they should. Various student activities that are usually carried out in the campus area experienced delays and had to be stopped for a while. However, this pandemic condition should not prevent us from remaining creative and productive.

UFO "Veteran" Jakarta is one of the Student Activity Units within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment which houses 3 (three) areas of specialization, namely: photography, videography and graphic design. During the pandemic, UFO UKM tried to continue to contribute activities that could improve the quality of the skills of its members. One of the activities that has been carried out is the Internal Sharing Class entitled Virtual Photoshoot which was held online on Sunday, 31 May 2020. This activity utilized the Zoom Meeting platform by presenting speakers Farhan Wildan Giffary (Member of Light Shoot UPN Veterans Yogyakarta) and Novi Handayani (Permanent Member of 4 UKM UFO Veterans Jakarta) along with model Desy Mayangsari (Permanent Member of 4 UKM UFO Veterans Jakarta).

The field of photography is one of the parts that was affected and almost stopped during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, virtual photoshoot is a solution for shooting amid the current call for physical distancing . With a laptop and a camera, the concept seems to be similar to a selfie, but there are other cameras connected online to take pictures.

"Before the photo shoot, discussions and collaborations were held with the models regarding clothing, background and style during the photo shoot." said the source.

Organizing a virtual photoshoot class session is the first experience for UKM UFO Veteran Jakarta to hold photography lessons online in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This activity received a positive response and high enthusiasm from the members. For this reason, in the future it is planned that the activity will be continued with virtual photoshoot training sessions which are open to the public (excluding UFO UKM members) with the hope of enthusiasm from the public who want to know more about virtual photoshoots .

Here are some virtual photoshoot works:


Works (from left to right): Nahla Karima (Design), Elmir Matdanatja (Videography) and Fadilah Prida (Photography)


The work of the resource person (Farhan Wildan Giffary)

Izhar Yusuf Siregar, as Head of UKM UFO Veterans Jakarta, strongly supports that classes like this can be held regularly to liven up the atmosphere of student activities, especially UFO members. "With so many photographic media nowadays, virtual photoshoots are one of the interesting things to do in the midst of the current pandemic. Hopefully this class will be the start for further virtual photoshoot classes, and it is hoped that this activity can increase the quality and interest of the members," said Izhar.

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