UPNVJ FK Distributes PPE Aid to Teaching Hospitals

HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Medicine UPN Veterans Jakarta received Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) in order to help medical staff who become heroes to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic which is still spreading to this day, this assistance is given to several homes hospitals, namely the Main Teaching Hospital and the Network Hospital owned by FK UPNVJ, last Friday 15/05.

The distribution by the UPNVJ FK was carried out in stages starting on Thursday 04 June 2020, the UPNVJ FK began distributing PPE assistance provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture at the FK UPNVJ Main Teaching Hospital, namely Pasar Minggu Jakarta Hospital.

The number of PPE distributed was 407 units of hazmat suits, 338 pairs of boots, 471 pairs of medical gloves, 1700 units of medical masks and 71 units of face shields.

With the distribution of this assistance, it is hoped that it can ease the burden on hospitals, especially the UPNVJ FK teaching hospital, considering that medical staff are the frontline in dealing with this pandemic.



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