Improving Nutrition in the Body, FIKES UPNVJ Holds an International Webinar with the Theme "On Nutrition and Immunity"

HumasUPNVJ - The community must prepare themselves to undergo a new normal era and return to being productive. Healthy habits and lifestyles must be applied in welcoming this new normal, from diligently washing hands with soap, to a healthy diet.

Nutritionists are currently trying to optimally address various challenges in the Covid-19 era. Such is the case with the efforts made by the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta in collaboration with Monash University and University of Technology MARA MARA, Malaysia to hold an international webinar with the theme "On Nutrition and Immunity" on Friday, 5 June 2020.

The webinar, which was attended by 297 students and lecturers, presented Prof. Dr. Ammu K Radhakrishnan (Professor (Immunology) at Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Science Monash University, Malaysia), Prof Dr Mahenderan Appukutty , FNSM (Lecture of Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, University Technology MARA, Malaysia) and Aimmatul Fauziyah, S .Gz., M.Si, a lecturer at the UPNVJ Nutrition study program.


In this case UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati said "I think this webinar is very special because it discusses Nutrition and the immune system which are relevant to the current conditions (pandemic co-19). To deal with Covid-19, we must have a healthy body so that nutritional issues can be discussed in this webinar. Covid-19 can disappear in this world if we adopt a healthy lifestyle. In Jakarta, the academic system has been diverted to work and study from home to reduce the transition or transmission of Covid-19 and to protect oneself from transmission of Covid-19," said the Chancellor.

In his discussion Prof. Dr. Ammu said, Factors that affect the immune system include age, nutrient intake, moderate exercise, consumption of drugs, heredity, and other factors (such as sleep patterns, stress levels, smoking, infections). Intake of good nutrition can inhibit the decline of the immune system. Intake of poor nutrition is very vulnerable to infection, cancer, and inhibits the healing process.

Prof. Dr. Mahenderan Appukutty, also added about Probiotics, Immunity and Exercise. He explained that probiotics are known as microorganisms that live in the intestine and can provide good or health effects to other organisms/hosts. The benefits of this probiotic can vary, depending on where the probiotic is (the host). Probiotics can be found in medicines, healthy foods, animal feeds, food supplements, fermented foods etc

He also added, in life, probiotics in science are expected to have a positive impact on society, people want correct information about probiotics, in the industrial world they expect to be able to create high-quality and profitable probiotic products, while in regulations, consumers are expected to be protected. from wrong information.

Aimmatul Fauziyah, the study program lecturer also provided insight into Flavonoids and Immunity. Flavonoids are natural substances found in fruits, vegetables, grains, bark, roots, stems, flowers, tea and grapes. Flavonoids are useful for anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiviral, and vasodilation and act as antioxidants that can reduce the formation of free radicals. Research shows that consuming 330 ml/day of tomato juice = giving 370 mg of lycopene for 20 days can reduce TNF α and IL 8 (the cause of cancer and tumors). The role of flavonoids in reducing inflammation is by inhibiting leukocyte immobilization, suppressing the production of proinflammatory cytokines, inhibiting carcinogenic production, and LDL (bad fat) oxidizers.

From the explanations from some of the sources above, hopefully they can provide new insights about what we need in our bodies in the face of the new normal covid 19.

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