Electricity Supply Maintained, PLN Supervises UTBK 2020 Implementation

HumasUPNVJ - The smooth implementation of UTBK until the fourth day this Wednesday, July 8 2020 at UPN Veteran Jakarta, could not be separated from the support of various parties and the cooperation of the UPNVJ UTBK central committee team.

In addition to the role of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) team in managing servers and systems to keep them running well, there is also the role of the State Electricity Company (PLN) staff who are tasked with maintaining electricity supply so that implementation can run comfortably.

UPN Veteran Jakarta with PT. PLN Persero is working together to support the implementation of the 2020 UTBK to run smoothly.

As we know, with a total capacity of 15,614 participants, the campus really needs an adequate supply of electricity.

In this case, Tatang, one of the PLN officers who keeps the electricity supply maintained at the UPNVJ UTBK center said "we were asked by UPNVJ to guard from the side of the electric substation for the smooth implementation of UTBK, what we do is check periodically the substation, measure the load to avoid overload and until the fourth day of implementing the UTBK there were no problems," said Tatang when interviewed by the public relations team.

Tatang also hoped that the electricity supply would be maintained and the participants could solve questions comfortably.

"Hopefully the participants can work on the questions comfortably and maximally and can qualify for the PTN they want," he hoped.

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