The Role of UPNVJ Public Relations in 2020 UTBK Information Dissemination

HumasUPNVJ - The implementation of the Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at the UPN Veteran Jakarta UTBK center is different from the previous year. Therefore, this year is equipped with standard health protocols to prevent the transmission of Covid 19. All participants must follow the health protocol in accordance with the directions of the government and the central LTMPT committee by being obliged to wear masks and gloves (gloves are used when the exam begins).

With some of the existing changes, the UPNVJ Public Relations Team has disseminated information through all social media and the UPNVJ website starting from information prior to implementation, during implementation and further information when the UTBK implementation is complete.


The coordinator of the Public Relations field, Hugeng Budianto, when interviewed, explained about the preparations that had been made by the UPNVJ public relations in implementing this year's UTBK, "In accordance with what has been assigned to this committee, especially in the public relations section. Of course, in its implementation, the UPNVJ public relations team had prepared themselves well in advance and informed everything that was never separated from the information data source of the LTMPT central committee. UPNVJ Public Relations disseminates information to the public through the networks that we have (social media and website ) so that prospective participants can more easily access various information for their readiness in implementing UTBK. Public Relations has started disseminating information regarding UTBK long before registration, such as informing important dates, what the 2020 UTBK terms & conditions are like and video tutorials for registration. In addition to dissemination through social media/websites, public relations also provides information via WhatsApp , email, and also telephone. Hugh said

"Indeed, so many changes have occurred because we are still during the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, public relations is always active in disseminating information to the public. But even though we disseminated this information a lot and frequently, it turns out that there are still some UTBK participants who have the wrong address and haven't even reprinted their participant cards. We have even prepared a map/location plan, both printed (banners) and digital location maps/plans, which we have published on social media and the UPNVJ website . This makes us as public relations at the UTBK center required to inform participants more often and we also have to meet face to face on the D-day of implementation. he continued


Hugeng also informed that the number of UTBK participants who took the exam at the UPNVJ UTBK center was 460 people (360 participants at Campus I Pondok Labu and 100 participants at Campus II Limo, Cinere) a total of 960 participants per day.

The following is UPNVJ's social media:

Instagram :

Twitter :

YouTube :

Facebook :

Information video related to the Implementation of UTBK 2020:

2020 UTBK and SBMPTN Registration Tutorial (Registration for Holders of College KIP Numbers)

2020 UTBK and SBMPTN Registration Tutorial (Choice of Study Program, Portfolio, and Confirmation)

Tutorial for 2020 UTBK and SBMPTN Registration (Filling in Biodata and Selection of the UTBK Center)

Location & Center Room UTBK-SBMPTN 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta Campus-Pondok Labu

Location & Center Room UTBK-SBMPTN 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta Campus-Limo

Procedure for the 2020 UTBK SBMPTN UPN Veteran Jakarta during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Implementation of UPNVJ 2020 UTBK during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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The UPNVJ UTBK Committee Urges Prospective Participants to Reprint the Test Cards

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