Pekanlit 2024: Ethics of AI Utilization in Research and Publication

HumasUPNVJ – In the series of Pekanlit 2024 at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) on the third day, Dr. Muhammad Nur Hudha, M.Pd, a lecturer from Sebelas Maret University, presented a workshop entitled "Generative AI: Ethics in Research and Scientific Publication". The event, which was held at the Diplomacy Lab of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UPNVJ, attracted the attention of lecturers and students who wanted to understand more about the use and ethics of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of research and scientific publication.


Dr. Hudha opened his presentation by explaining that AI is now often used in various fields, including education and lectures. According to him, generative AI basically works by imitating existing content. Although it has advantages such as high data processing capabilities, fast data pattern searches, and efficiency in repetitive tasks, the use of AI also raises a number of ethical issues, privacy issues, and the risk of spreading misinformation.

In the workshop, Dr. Hudha emphasized the importance of ethics in the use of AI. Although AI offers many benefits, ethics must remain the foundation of its use. Some issues that may arise from the use of AI in research include violations of research ethics codes, collaboration issues, conflicts of interest, peer review processes, and research involvement and funding sources. In addition, research involving human and animal subjects must also adhere to strict ethical standards.


Dr. Hudha emphasized that AI is essentially a tool, not a substitute for humans. Therefore, full responsibility for the content of the research remains with the authors. Some of the ethical principles proposed by Dr. Hudha for the use of AI in research and scientific publications include:

  1. Improve Readability, Not Ideas : AI should be used to improve the readability and clarity of language in writing, not to develop research ideas. The ideas for the writing remain the responsibility of the author.
  2. Human Oversight and Control : AI applications must be done with human oversight. AI may produce incorrect or incomplete information, so human oversight is needed to ensure accuracy.
  3. Disclosure of AI Use : Authors must openly state in the manuscript if they used AI in the writing or research process.
  4. Not Acknowledging AI as Author : AI should not be listed as an author in publications. Publishers like Elsevier discourage the use of AI in image creation, but allow its use in data visualization.
  5. Limitations for Editors : Journal editors should not use AI in assessing or reviewing scientific articles to avoid bias and misjudgment.
  6. Use of AI in Writing Outlines : The use of tools such as ChatGPT in creating writing outlines is permitted, as long as the instructions or prompts given are clear and meet the writer's needs.

This workshop is expected to provide new insights for lecturers and students at UPNVJ in utilizing AI technology responsibly and ethically, so that it can support better research processes and scientific publications in the future.

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