To be proud of, UPNVJ D3 Accounting Wins Accreditation A


HumasUPNVJ - After going through the re-accreditation visitation process for the Accounting Study Program Diploma Three Program (D3 Accounting) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) which was conducted online on Thursday, 03 September 2020. FEB succeeded in obtaining A accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) which was established on Wednesday, 23 September 2020 yesterday.

With the current pandemic conditions, the re-accreditation process must be carried out online to avoid face-to-face meetings. This is the first experience for the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Even though it had been prepared as much as possible, there were not a few obstacles experienced during the re-accreditation visitation process. In this case the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara delivered her report during an interview with the UPNVJ public relations team.

"Reaccreditation of D3 Accounting is a long process, D3 Accounting started the submission process in March 2019, taking advantage of the last opportunity for accreditation with 7 standards. Then in early 2020 the study program must update data to the final TS 2018/2019 which is prepared according to the instrument forms from vision and mission standards, governance, students and graduates, HR, curriculum, funding for facilities and infrastructure, research and community service, "explained Dr. Dianwicaksih.


The re-accreditation visitation was able to carry out with satisfactory results. It also had a lot of support from various parties, both internally from UPN Veterans Jakarta and from externally or other more experienced higher education institutions.

"Until there is an announcement that D3 Accounting will be visited online on September 3-4 2020. For the online visitation, we were assisted by LP3M in preparing this, following technical guidance by Ban-PT. We are also digging up information from study program colleagues at other tertiary institutions who also happen to have experienced online visits in the past. We also carry out online visitation simulations involving internal reviewers (LP3M) and external reviewers or colleagues from other universities," said Dr. Dianwicaksih.

In this year's FEB re-accreditation, the visitation was carried out by several assessors from BAN-PT, including Theresia Tyas Listyani, SE., M.Sc from Semarang State Polytechnic and Drs. Dul Muid, M.Sc., Akt from Diponegoro University.

Previously, the FEB team had prepared form documents with 7 digital standards, all documents were scanned and stored neatly using digital storage media (Google Drive).

Dr. Dianwicaksih also explained what assessment indicators the FEB team was obliged to provide as re-accreditation material.

"The assessment indicators are in accordance with the matrix from BAN-PT, assessment of quantitative data, for example the ratio of lecturers and students, the number of research, publications and community service, quality of facilities and infrastructure, etc. during the visitation we were asked to show evidence of what we wrote either in the form or in the Self-Evaluation Report," he explained.

Dr.'s first experience Dianwicaksih as FEB dean to carry out re-accreditation which was also the first time it was done online. It's not easy but Dr. Dianwicaksih is optimistic that the solidarity and dedication of the FEB team will be the main force in achieving the desired target.

"Implementation of assessor visits is carried out online, this is the first experience at FEB and at UPNVJ. The FEB team is very solid and the dedication of time and energy is extraordinary, this is FEB's strength. The obstacle was that on the first day the internet network at UPN was disrupted, resulting in a 15 minute break, but the ICT TEAM was quick to help. So that the internet runs smoothly until the visitation closes. Apart from that there are no significant obstacles. What's different is that we cannot conduct assessments with assessors such as offline visits. Thank God the assessors were very cooperative with the accredited PIC in terms of communicating via Whatsapp. Overall the online visitation process was very smooth," said Dr. Dianwicaksih.


Dr. Dianwicaksih also expressed her gratitude and pride for what she had achieved and provided motivation to other faculties to be able to achieve the desired target to jointly achieve achievements for UPN Veteran Jakarta.

“This result is our spirit booster. In the near future we will have D3 Banking and Finance online visits. We hope that the process will be smooth and easy and the results will be the same as D3 Accounting, namely A. Please pray for everyone's blessings. Hopefully all faculties at UPNVJ can continue to be enthusiastic about giving their best. This accreditation is a gift from the Faculty to students, a manifestation of the management's commitment (UPPS) to students, with all the limited resources we have, the spirit of one sense of one vision and goals of all Faculty members. important role” said Dr. Dianwicaksih.

It is hoped that the results achieved by the D3 Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business can spur all UPN Veteran Jakarta academics to get an A title for the accreditation of each faculty and university.


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