Target International Accreditation, Faculty of Economics and Business Supervise the Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System

HumasUPNVJ - The UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business has a big dream of achieving international accreditation in 2025-2030 as formulated in the FEB UPNVJ milestones. This big dream has been stated in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and the Vision and Mission of FEB, so commitment to the quality of Faculty and Study Program management is very important.

In order to oversee the implementation of the Faculty and Study Program Internal Quality Assurance System and deal with Internal Quality Audits and ISO Audits, FEB held a Fullday activity "Preparation for Surveillance ISO 21001: 2018 and Internal Quality Audit 2020, Preparation of LKPS and Monitoring of Learning Evaluation for Odd Semester TA. 2020/2021 for 2 days (Friday-Saturday, 16-17 October 2020) at RA Simatupang Jakarta.

This full day invited Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE., MS.Ak. as Chair of the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) to provide material on last year's ISO findings and documents that must be prepared in dealing with AMI and ISO 21001: 2018 Surveillance audits. This event was attended by the Head of Department, Head of Study Program, Sesprodi, GKM team and staff of FEB UPNVJ and the expected output is the compilation of the 2019 risk register evaluation, 2020 risk register document, synchronization of sarmut and FEB RESNTRA, LED and LKPS for the 2019/2020 academic year. The PIC of this activity was the Deputy for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widyastuti.

"Quality Culture must become the mindset, attitude pattern and pattern of daily behavior of all managers within FEB, starting from the Dean as the Study Program Implementation Unit (UPPS), Departments and Study Programs as Study Programs (PS), Faculty-level Quality Assurance Team and the Control Group. The quality of Study Programs reaches the Education Staff," explained the Dean of FEB, Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, in her remarks on Friday 16 October 2020.


Furthermore, Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara emphasized that the implementation of PPEPP- Determination of the Implementation of Control Evaluation and Improvement- (which is the core of SPMI) is a daily breath in the management of the Study Program so that when facing assessments from external parties, both ISO and BAN-PT Accreditation, the Study Program will always be ready. In opening the event, the Dean of FEB also gave directions and policies related to FEB Quality.

"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, I believe and believe that together we will make FEB a LEADER in the implementation of risk management-based PPEPP," said Dian to motivate all the teams involved.

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