PROSPEKTIV Week Two, Emphasize Motivation for New Students with Dr. Drs. Imam Haryanto., SM, MH

HumasUPNVJ - Saturday, October 17 2020, UPN Veteran Jakarta again held an online Stimulus, Learning, Ethics, Collaboration, Creativity Program (PROSPEKTIV 2020). This mandatory program for new students aims to prepare students to provide provisions from the beginning of lectures to prepare themselves to become students who want to always develop and have qualified abilities to meet the demands of the industrial world.

This week's Prospective program discussed "Achievement Motivation and Collaboration" delivered by Dr. Drs. Imam Haryanto., SM, MH who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at UPN Veterans Jakarta.


As an opening, in his speech, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH. who is usually called dr. Ria conveyed to new students that this activity was a very important activity as a provision given early on before students finished their studies. He said that the lecture period was felt to have passed very quickly so he hoped that students could take many benefits from activities that aimed to open the mindset of students to continue developing their potential, soft skills and collaboration.

"Prepare from now, you can be responsible with yourself, because college is not for other people but college is the responsibility for yourself and the future. We are only tasked with providing quality learning and in accordance with the industrial world, if you understand and implement it, you will reap good results, "explained dr. Ria.

Dr. Ria also said "we are trying to prepare graduates who have good soft skills, are good at adapting, collaborating and so on, because people who can survive are people who can adapt to an ever-new environment. Let's prepare ourselves to be useful not only for ourselves but for the wider community and become someone of quality so we can compete in the industrial world that you will face later," he said.

Technically the delivery of material is two-way in which the resource person explains the material thoroughly followed by a question and answer session.


In the discussion this time, Imam Haryanto gave a discussion about motivation within oneself to achieve an achievement. At the beginning he conveyed achievement motivation to achieve individual excellence in different ways, because motivation is the basic foundation for everyone to do anything. The components of the theory are the dominant factors of motivation, power and affiliation.

He said before you have motivation, know yourself, learn to keep trying anything, do something from small things if you fail it doesn't matter because humans can make mistakes.

"In addition to knowing your own character by knowing which is more dominant where your right or left brain is working," explained Imam.

Not only that, the Imam also said that there are several traits and characters that can be known from blood type, if we know the blood type of other people, usually and generally according to their nature and character depending on the person's blood type.

He also gave examples and told figures with success stories such as Steve Jobs, Susi Pudjiastuti to increase relevant motivation for new students to achieve something.

Not only the theory that was given, Imam also showed several motivational videos through showing short films where in the video explained that if we just follow things as they are then it will continue like that forever, but if we have thoughts outside of the usual things then there will be things that new or new changes to change our lives.

"To create a deeper sense of motivation, there are several things, first, how the character you have will determine what happens to you in everyday life. Whatever goals you have, they must be determined from now on, to have a good and right life, such as having the courage to face failure in doing something, with that we can fight the fear within ourselves because failure will be part of the process we go through, "he said.

He also explained the importance of collaboration, because it can provide positive changes within oneself and build networks that provide inspiration, by building collaboration it can provide capabilities, create solutions and unite goals.

Imam also advised "Achievement is part of my life and it must also exist within you, achievements can be obtained anywhere and whatever small achievements you have in your life are achievements that can be appreciated".

At the end of his speech he said “You are the future of the best generation, you future UPN Veterans Jakarta give the best for yourself, your future and your alma mater. keep doing something useful for yourself, your family and the wider community,” he concluded.


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