UPNVJ Students Officially Receive 2020 RI Kemenpora RI Young Entrepreneurial Capital Assistance


HumasUPNVJ - Proud news has come again from UPN Veterans Jakarta students. Three UPNVJ students have officially received assistance from young startup entrepreneurs from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), on Monday (9/11/20) at the Ciputra Hotel, West Jakarta.

The three students included Dewi Tri Ambarwati, a student at the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Muhammad Fiqri Alfayed from the Faculty of Information Systems Computer Science and Rifqi Khairul Umam, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

This capital assistance program is a scheme created by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in an effort to increase young entrepreneurs who want to develop their business opportunities amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Deputy for Youth Development, Kemenpora, M Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, provided assistance as an effort to help youth through individuals, organizations, institutions, foundations, or business groups in developing entrepreneurial potential to realize youth independence.

With a selection that was not easy, UPNVJ students managed to get two types of assistance packages which included pre WMP and WMP packages worth a maximum of IDR 10 million and assistance packages for business strengthening for developing WMP worth a maximum of IDR 15 million. Dewi Tri Ambarwati is the only student who received an aid package worth 15 million from all universities who registered for Kemenpora business capital assistance.

The hard work and difficult process that Dewi went through provided many new experiences and learnings, especially in the business she is currently engaged in.

"When asked about the ups and downs in the process of selecting grants from the Ministry of Youth and Sport, actually there are a lot of them, but among those many things, of course, the joys are the most, we can gain experience and gain a lot of relationships and learning to become a young, novice entrepreneur. For the saddest part, when attending training and interviews, it usually clashes with lecture hours and you have to work on proposals when college assignments pile up, but overall, we can get through it," said Dewi.

The success achieved by these students is expected to increase the enthusiasm of other students to start and develop businesses. With this, it is hoped that UPNVJ graduates will not only be job seekers but can create new jobs.

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UPNVJ Student Students Successfully Receive Grants from Kemenpora

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