Departure of UPNVJ Law Faculty Retired Lecturer

HumasUPNVJ - Monday, December 21 2020 The Faculty of Law held a retirement ceremony for lecturer Mrs. Wien Sukarmini, SH, MH at the Yos Sudarso Building, Faculty of Law, UPN Veterans Jakarta. The event this time was opened by the Deputy Dean of Field I, Ms. Dwi Aryanti, SH, MH, followed by a speech by Mr. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.Ag., as the Dean of the Faculty of Law UPN Veterans Jakarta, in his remarks he said that this activity was a form of friendship with retired lecturers and this activity was a form of appreciation by the Faculty for retired lecturers.

Mrs. Wien Sukarmini, SH, MH who is familiarly called Mrs. Wien began her career at the Faculty of Law UPN Veteran Jakarta in 2006 as a functional lecturer, in the same year she assumed the task of Head of the Library Section of the Faculty of Law UPN Veterans Jakarta, and in 2010 concurrently position as Head of the Law Faculty Library Section as well as Head of the Law Faculty Administrative Subdivision.

In 2011-2015 he returned as Head of the Library Section. Mrs. Wien's impression while serving at the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Law was that for her it was very pleasant to be part of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Law family, especially as a lecturer, because she could share knowledge with each other, add insight and knowledge and be able to directly guide students, both guiding them in preparing their final project. as well as during the student's academic period, seeing his students graduate is a special happiness for him. Mrs. Wien also shared a good impression of her colleagues at the Law Faculty of UPN Veterans Jakarta who always help each other in various matters selflessly. Ms. Wien also gave a message to young lecturers to always work sincerely, serve students well, and for the Law Faculty to always maintain what is already good, not to let there be setbacks and to be able to maintain the good name of the UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Law wherever it is. .

The message is closed to the Jakarta Veterans National Development University, hopefully it will be even more victorious and can optimally provide good service.

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