Improving Campus Technology and Information Network, UPT.TIK UPNVJ Presents Performance Plans for 2021


HumasUPNVJ - Still in the series of Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Control and Development (PPEPP) coordination meetings within the UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) environment. UPT. ITIK today presented the results of planning and performance achievements for 2021 before the Chancellor and his staff at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, on Tuesday (22/12/20).

The smooth learning system and internet access are at the heart of the running process in all fields, especially with the current pandemic conditions where there are no more in-person meetings and have changed to online meetings.

All information and learning can be carried out optimally if technology and information can run smoothly.

In this coordination meeting, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Erna Hernawati, emphasized that the UPT.TIK section can maximize the internet network for the smooth running of the UPNVJ academic process.

"Make sure you can fulfill the maximum service so that in any way there are no complaints about wifi and accommodate these needs," said the chancellor.

Sigit Pradana, Head of UPT.TIK UPNVJ, took the opportunity to say that UPT.TIK has prepared several efforts and plans to be realized in 2021 to accommodate face-to-face lectures.


"Installation of 130 wifi in each class and other devices to facilitate online/offline, launched 18 websites, certified 10 people, subscribed to Localoc internet and ID Ren, used 50 zoom accounts, 42 accounts with a capacity of 500 and 8 accounts with a capacity of 1000, added 2 applications management (remuneration) and academics, developing applications at LPPM and conducting satisfaction surveys," explained Sigit.

The Chancellor also pressed UPT.TIK to include all needs and their budget into the 2021 Performance Agreement (PK) and emphasized that all budgets starting in 2021 can be used as much as possible for improving information and technology systems at UPNVJ.


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