Joint Christmas Leave 2020, New Year 2021 at the UPN Veteran Jakarta Environment

Based on UPN Veteran Jakarta circular letter number: SE/135/UN61.0/2020 concerning Joint Christmas Leave 2020, New Year 2021 in the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment.

The circular refers to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2020 concerning amendments to Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2020 concerning Leave with State Civil Apparatus Employees in 2020, as follows:

1, 2020 Christmas Leave/Holidays will be held on Thursday and Friday December 24 and 25 2020 and will re-enter on Monday December 28 2020 .

2, New Year's Leave/Holidays 2021 will be held on Thursday and Friday December 31 2020 and January 1 2021 and will re-enter on Monday January 4 2021.

3, Monday to Wednesday from 28 to 20 December 2020 you will continue to enter as usual as per the Chancellor's Circular Number: 120/UN.61.0/SE/2020 October 27 2020 while still following the Health Protocol.

4, During the holidays points a and b and working days as stated in point c, employees within the Jakarta Veterans UPN (Lecturers and Education Staff) should not travel out of town in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Thus this Circular Letter is to be understood and as information for the general public.

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