LP3M UPNVJ Holds Discussion Meeting on Equalization of Clustering Perceptions Online


HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve the clustering of UPN Veteran Jakarta, the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute held a Discussion Meeting on Equalizing Perceptions for Assessment of Higher Education Clusterization in 2020. This activity presented Adhrial Refaddin SIP, MPP as the Coordinator of Institutional Strengthening of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture as a resource person, Tuesday 8 December 2020 online.


Erna Hernawati, UPNVJ Chancellor in her remarks at the beginning of the event hoped that UPNVJ's clustering would always be improved, "With this meeting, I hope that later UPNVJ will be able to move clusters and of course have a continuously increasing ranking, if possible enter cluster 2, and of course with the invitation of Mr. Adhrial, hopefully we UPNVJ can get a lot of insight, especially about strategies to fulfill cluster ranking indicators. he said

The activity continued with a presentation by Adhrial Refadin and a discussion session attended by representatives of each subsatker.


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