The UPN Veteran Jakarta – University of Malaya Faculty of Law Student Exchange Program is being held online

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The Faculty of Law at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (FHUPNVJ) in collaboration with the Faculty of Law University of Malaya , the Faculty of Law at Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, Pancasila University and Tarumanegara University, from the five universities have organized a student exchange program ( Student Exchange ) which is conducted online through Zoom meetings platform for 2 (two) days, from 5 to 6 December 2020.

Initially, this student exchange program will be carried out directly where the delegates who have passed the selection from each university, namely 10 (ten) student representatives from each Faculty of Law who take part in this student exchange program, will make a direct visit to the University of Malaya. in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 10 (ten) days. However, due to the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of the year, this program was carried out online . This student exchange activity is the first time it has been carried out in the history of UPNVJ Faculty of Law.

This student exchange activity was attended by representatives from each university, namely as many as 20 delegates per university, several lecturers from each university who gave public lectures, and also the Dean and his staff from each Faculty of Law who participated in this program. The series of events taken were on the first day, December 5 2020, starting with registration to confirm attendance which was carried out by filling out a form by each delegation then followed by an ice breaking session which was carried out by dividing delegates from each university into several breakout rooms with The goal is for students to get to know each other.

After the ice breaking session, the delegates returned to the main room where it was followed by a Formal Opening Ceremony which was opened with speeches from the Deans of each University. Then the series of events continued with public lectures with the theme "legal system" by teaching staff (lecturers) from each university. Starting with the delivery of material by representatives of the University of Malaya Lecturer Dr. Najwa who discussed the legal system in Malasya, continued by Dr. Gatot from Tarumanegara University who discussed Arbitration Law in Indonesia, then from Pancasila University regarding Customary Law in Indonesia, and continued by the teaching staff from the UPNVJ Faculty of Law where Dr. Iwan Erar Joesoef, SH, Sp.N, MKn.

He discussed about Introduction to Law in Indonesia along with Customary Law in Indonesia and ended by delivering material from the teaching staff at Mahasaraswati Denpasar University who also discussed customary law but specifically regarding Balinese Customary Law.

Apart from that, in the series of events on the first day, namely December 5 2020, there was also an "Academic Discourse" where each delegation was divided into 8 rooms to make presentations on the topics previously given. However, prior to the presentation, the delegates returned to conducting mini games as an ice breaking session in the breakout room . Each delegation from each University presented according to the specific topic given. This presentation was started by a representative from the University of Malaya who discussed the role of the Wage Subsidy program and the Recruitment Incentive program in reducing the unemployment rate of fresh graduates during the pandemic and whether these programs were truly effective.

Then it was continued by a delegation from Tarumanegara University who presented about "The Job Creation Law which was just passed and how the impact of the passing of the omnibus law on new graduates or fresh graduates ". Furthermore, the presentation from Pancasila University discussed "the pre-employment card program launched by the government since the Covid 19 pandemic, whether this step is useful for new graduates and is it effective in reducing the unemployment rate". And then the presentation from the Jakarta Veterans National Development University namely "The socio-economic and mental impact on students from PSBB regulations and the role of campuses in preparing students for a job as fresh graduates in the pandemic era".

Then the presentation was ended by a delegation from Mahasaraswati Denpasar University who discussed the proposed alternative solutions that should be taken by the government and other relevant agencies to effectively reduce the unemployment rate among fresh graduates during the pandemic. In addition to the omnibus law , pre-employment cards and withholding taxes for small and medium enterprises. It is hoped that the presentations and discussions that have been carried out can add legal insight to all students from both countries.

On the second day, December 6 2020, the series of activities began with registration via a form that was distributed to confirm the presence of the delegates like the first day. then continued with " Cultural Exhibition, Cultural Trivia and Performance " activities, namely showing and introducing several games, food, dances based on historical factors and other facts from the two countries. In addition, several regional dances were demonstrated which were performed directly by 5 student candidates as a cultural exchange. The first performance was from the University of Malaya or UM delegation which presented several traditional dances such as Chinese traditional dance, Borneo dance, Indian dance . And also featuring several songs such as Stay in the Soul, True Love by Siti Sarah and The Moon Represent My Heart . This was followed by the performance of the delegation from Indonesia which began with the performance of several traditional songs from the Tarumanegara university delegation and the performance of the Gemufamire dance. Then it was continued with the badinding and silat wall dances by the Pancasila university delegation. No less cool, the delegation from Mahasaraswati Denpasar University also performed the Cendrawasih dance, which means two human friendships. This cultural performance was closed with the appearance of 5 delegates from UPNVJ namely the ampar-amparbanana dance from South Kalimantan, the Pendet dance from Bali, the Tor-tor dance from North Sumatra, the Lenggang Patah dance from Sumatra, and the bungong jeumpa from Banda Aceh. Then the two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia also presented landmark presentations from each country.

The Malasya delegation presented several historical places in Malaysia such as Tanjung Malim, Dantu Malin, Siti Kadijah statue, ST.Anne Church, Singa Peasant, Dark Cave, Grand Old Lady and Tanjung Fold beach as well as several other places. While the delegation from Indonesia presented the Cathedral Church in Jakarta, the Monas Monument, the HI Roundabout as a symbol of welcome to Indonesia along with the Istiqlal Grand Mosque. Then the delegates also presented several traditional celebrations or traditional celebrations from the two countries. Such as deepabali or the festival of lights, Kaamatan Festival, Tale of Harvest which means illustration of the strength of the community, duk ngadau, mpulos, Gawai Dayak or gawai day, Ponggal Nazfathukal, Eid Al-Fitr, Rambu Solo and other celebrations.

The delegation from the University of Malaysia also displayed several traditional Malaysian clothes or outfits such as the baju kacang pekang, the baju kuning, the kebaya songket, the modern baju kuning, the baju kuning, pekak, and the pekak weasel. Furthermore, the closing ceremony closed the ceremony by showing a video of thanks from Alsa University of Malaya. And ended with a virtual photo session shared by all delegates.

The purpose of this activity is to exchange knowledge, views, experiences, and culture shown by each university.


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