Ministry of Education and Culture Officially Launches Kedaireka, Higher Education and Industry Collaboration Platform for Indonesian Sovereignty in Design

HumasUPNVJ – The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture through the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) has officially launched the Kedaireka platform on Saturday (12/12/20). Kedaireka is a place of marriage between universities and industry to give birth to innovations that will be a solution for Indonesia. This platform is a place that will bring together creators/scientists/academics with the business/industry world. The launch of the Kedaireka platform was broadcast live by TVRI and through the Directorate General of Higher Education's YouTube channel and Zoom teleconference. At this launch, the Directorate General of Higher Education also won the MURI record for the category of the most tertiary participants from online meetings via the Zoom and Youtube platforms.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim said the Covid-19 pandemic provided many lessons for the world of Indonesian education. Various kinds of innovations and solutions are created in the midst of limitations, one of which is the Kedaireka platform.

"Kedaireka is the vision of the Merdeka Campus which is a form of learning in universities that is autonomous and flexible so as to create a learning culture that is innovative, not restrictive, and in accordance with the needs of students," said Nadiem at the launch of Kedaireka.

Nadiem continued, this is where collaboration or cooperation is needed between the education sector and the industrial sector in creating an invention so that it can increase production and distribution in the domestic and global sectors. The role of the education sector, especially higher education, is as a research and development center for industry to develop new technologies.


​( photo source: TVRI)

According to the Director General of Higher Education, Nizam, the launch of the Kedaireka platform was carried out as a means of informing the public that there is a platform that can bridge between scientists/academicians/students and the industry/business world which has been needed so far. This is considered important so that the world of business and education can go hand in hand and will be mutually beneficial.

"Campus and the business world must synergize and bring innovation from various talents. Therefore, the Kedaireka platform was created," he concluded.

The official Kedaireka platform was created in building the Merdeka Campus ecosystem with the hope that it will become a forum for real collaboration, meetings between universities and the industrial world before applying for matching fund grants.

Nizam explained, a matching fund is a financial assistance provided to complement or strengthen a downstream program of university inventions with industry or investors. The existence of great potential and opportunities as well as the needs of the industrial world for the inventions of higher education institutions must be utilized as best as possible. Currently, the total number of matching funds available is 250 billion.

On the same occasion, Expert Staff for MSME Finance and Development, Ministry of SOEs, Loto Srinaita Ginting considers that Kedaireka is in line with the priorities of the Ministry of SOEs which emphasize innovation in both business and technology.

"There is a lot of hope from SOEs because we are asked to increase the economic value and also the impact of SOEs for Indonesia. Of course, the areas that are currently a priority include energy security, food security, and health. Hopefully these three fields can be supported through this platform," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Taufik Madjid said increasing human resources boosted the community's economy by involving universities and industry in the hope that innovation could help rural communities from joint collaboration.

"Hopefully the Kedaireka platform can generate creations and encourage innovation to accelerate, accelerate village development in order to strengthen development, especially during this pandemic, as well as restore the economy that we started in rural areas," he said.

As an industry representative, Pertamina's HR Director, Koeshartanto said that the industry welcomed Kedaireka as a media that brought together universities, the business world and industry.

"Currently various industries, especially at Pertamina, are focusing on developing new and renewable energy, and require the latest innovations as well as superior and competent human resources. In line with all that, of course, research, innovation, and technology are parts that cannot be separated from the industry," he said.

Kedaireka, which was built as an implementation of the contribution of the vision of the Independent Campus, will provide benefits and welfare for the community through the creations of the nation's children in the spirit of building national independence. Kedaireka is an acronym for Indonesian Sovereignty in Reka Cipta. Copyright is an effort to revitalize and actualize a work, so that all elements can benefit from it efficiently and effectively.

Not only on a national scale, through Kedaireka innovators/creators from universities can also collaborate with international parties, which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. After the launch of the Kedaireka platform , it is hoped that mutual relations will soon be created and good synergy can be established between universities and industry in building a creative ecosystem in Indonesia as an implementation of the Merdeka Campus.

In addition to the Kedaireka platform, the Indonesian Reka Cipta Anthology Book was also launched on this occasion which was the result of the Pentahelix collaboration between the government, universities, industry, media and society. It is hoped that this collaboration will have a major positive impact on the community so as to accelerate the process of restoring the socio-economic and cultural life of the Indonesian people.

In the second session, the event was continued with mass registration by universities and industry on the Kedaireka platform, as well as door prizes for lucky participants at the launch of the Kedaireka platform. The launch of the Kedaireka platform was supported by the LSPR Communication and Business Institute (IKB LSPR), Gunadarma University (Gundar), Indonesian Art and Culture Institute (ISBI), Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Syiah Kuala University, and Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

Also present at this event were virtually Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Ainun Na'im, Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education Paristiyanti Nurwardani, Chair of the Indonesian Rector Forum Arif Satria, university leaders, and the entire academic community in Indonesia.

Public Relations and the Directorate General of Higher Education's Copyright Acceleration Team

Ministry of Education and Culture

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