“Neuron To Nation”, Becomes an Interesting Webinar Theme Raised by FK UPNVJ in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic


HumasUPNVJ - The pandemic is still an obstacle to carrying out offline activities at this time, but it is different from UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine students who continue to carry out productive activities such as holding web seminars ( webinar ). The webinar they held had the theme "Neuron To Nation - Brains and Spiritual Performance for Indonesia's Future". FK UPNVJ presented two speakers, Dr. dr. Taufiq Pasiak, M.Kes, M.PdI, and Dr. dr. Arman Yurisaldi Saleh, S.pS which was attended by approximately 180 participants. (14/12/20)


Anter Venus The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in his remarks when opening the event explained that activities discussing Neurons are always interesting to discuss, "Thank God in the midst of a pandemic situation like this, scientific activities / positive activity forums are always actively held, there are approximately 100 activity. And FK is one of the faculties that actively organizes extraordinary webinars as it is today. The theme raised, related to "Neuron" is also very interesting, because in my opinion, all things related to the brain will always attract the attention of the audience. Hopefully this activity will provide many benefits for all of us, especially for the participants. Venus said

The activity was then continued with remarks by Plt. Dean of FK UPNVJ, Niniek Hardini. In her remarks, Niniek thanked the two sources and dr. Feda Anisah Makkiyah Sp.BS, M.Kes, FINPS as the moderator for her participation in this FK webinar.


First exposure by dr. Arman Yurisaldi, "In Indonesia is experiencing a crisis of national identity, namely there is an internal problem of not being proud of its own language, namely Indonesian. And the external problem is foreign propaganda that attempts to degrade identity, apart from that what I know on campuses, seminars on radicalism are almost non-existent and only exist on the state defense campus, where deradicalization should start from the campus.” Obviously

The second exposure was continued by dr. Taufiq Pasiak, “There are 7 abilities that must be possessed in the future (BIOFILIA). If you can't get a social connection, it can have a bad impact. Flow with the nature: Must treat nature as a living thing. Humans are genetically loving nature. Good Nutrition: sources of glia come from food. The development of the digestive tract and brain is the same. Healthy Home: Children who eat with their parents can reduce the aggressiveness factor. The home environment is very influential on the child. Self Control : how to invite people to control themselves, because most humans are impatient. Beliefs: faith. And Innovation: must be innovative, like writing a novel. Imagination that develops and is killed by imagination can reduce innovation.

The activity was then followed by a discussion and question and answer session.

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