Series of National Defense Day Webinar, Discuss State Defense in the Perspective of UPNVJ Millennial Lecturers


HumasUPNVJ - Still in the series of commemorating the 58th Anniversary of State Defense and UPN Veterans Jakarta Anniversary, UPNVJ is again holding a Webinar Series of National Defense Seminars which this time discusses "Defending the Country in the Perspective of Millennial Lecturers", Sunday (20/12/20)

After previously discussing and discussing with Generation Z (Gen Z) regarding State Defense, today with representatives of UPN Veteran Jakara's millennial lecturers, participants from 20 universities throughout Indonesia will discuss how millennial lecturers view State Defense.

In this case, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta said that this was an effort by UPNVJ to always make improvements to State Defense learning.


"Previously we discussed the perspective of Gen Z. Today the lecturers represent the millennial generation. It is this lecturer who has the role and function of providing appropriate State Defense learning to Gen Z," said the Chancellor.

"The results of the views of the Gen Z students that have been discussed, that these students already understand the meaning of the current implementation of State Defense. So that the perspective and implementation that students did yesterday can be a reference for teaching lecturers about State Defense from the perspective of Gen Z. I hope that we lecturers can become role models because UPNVJ's direction regarding teaching and education, especially regarding State Defense depends on us. added the chancellor.

Technically, seven lecturers from faculty representatives took turns conveying their views on State Defense.

In the first session, four lecturers from faculty representatives gave their views including law faculty lecturers by Rianda Dirkareshza, SH, MH, FISIP by Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, MA, Ph.D, FEB by Zackharia Rialmi, S.IP., MM, and FIK by I Wayan Widi Pradnyana, MTI.

From the views of the five lecturers, it can be concluded that the value of State Defense is all from the small things that can be done to become the implementation of State Defense, the value of State Defense must be inherent in everyday life and the biggest challenge lies within ourselves.

Broadly speaking, lecturers have a tridharma role in constructive studies including studies that are critical to the ruling regime. Lecturers must also have measurable and accountable methods when voicing their opinions, ideas, ideas, so that they are scientifically responsible.

In the second session, three other lecturer representatives gave their perspectives, including from FIKES by Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS, Faculty of Medicine (FK) by dr. Ryan Herardi, Sp.PD, and representatives of Faculty of Engineering (FT) lecturers: Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman.


From the point of view of the three lecturer representatives in the last session, it can be concluded that Defending the Country is a value that continues to be attached wherever we are and further implementation can be realized by consuming and buying goods from within the country, and examples of the form of Defending the Country that have been carried out by the millennial generation are very many in actions and in the world of politics and giving the best in the profession that we are currently living in can also create works that can benefit Indonesian citizens.

The values of State Defense can be internalized in human behavior and attitudes by implementing the 6 pillars, namely love for the motherland, awareness of the nation, awareness of the state, belief in Pancasila as the nation's ideology, willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the nation, having initial capabilities in State Defense so as to create a country that is sovereign, just and prosperous.

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Commemorating National Defense Day, UPNVJ Holds a National Seminar on State Defense in the Perspective of Generation Z

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