Commemorating National Defense Day, UPNVJ Holds a National Seminar on State Defense in the Perspective of Generation Z


HumasUPNVJ - In commemoration of the 72nd National Defense Day which falls today, Saturday 19 December 2020. UPN Veteran Jakarta is holding a National Seminar Series Webinar with the theme "Defending the Country in the Perspective of Gen Z (Generation Z)".

As Generation Z (Gen Z), those born in 1995 to 2010 are generally a generation which is also known as iGeneration or internet generation or net generation. They are always connected to the virtual world and can do everything using existing technological sophistication.

As a campus with a State Defense identity, UPN Veteran Jakarta encourages Gen Z to have an awareness of State Defense, which is essentially a willingness to serve the country and a willingness to sacrifice to defend the country.

The national seminar which was attended by 20 representatives of higher education institutions in Indonesia was part of the 58th anniversary of the UPN Veterans Jakarta by presenting Dr. dr. Taufiq Fredik Pasiak., M.Kes., M.Pd.I. who is the CEO and Founder of Sekolah Otak Indonesia.


In her opening remarks, UPN Veterans Jakarta Chancellor Erna Hernawati said this activity was to open our views on State Defense which can be implemented at this time with various perspectives from experts as well as from student representatives or Gen Z.

"Hopefully the results of this series of seminars will benefit all campuses that are members of this implementation. By carrying out the Bela Negara campus here, we will also get various views from Gen Z, represented by students from 7 faculties at UPN Veteran Jakarta. The goal is to unite perspectives and inculcate State Defense in the characteristics of Gen Z, instilling State Defense is a positive thing to shape the character of love for the country," said the Chancellor.

Apart from dr. Taufiq, there are eight active and inspirational student representatives who provide their own views on State Defense based on their current course majors.

Broadly speaking, from the eight student informants it can be concluded that State Defense is an obligation under the law and its form is the attitude and behavior of citizens imbued with their love for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila. As a Gen Z and also a student from various faculties, the main contribution that can be made is to pursue the knowledge being studied at this time starting from small things and yourself to achieve and be loyal to the community so that you can try to implement it for the country and the benefits can be felt widely and it is clear to build a better Indonesian nation and state. As the tagline of today's webinar is "We talk. We care, we act for our beloved country".

As an effort to optimize the potential of the brain regarding perspectives and how to grow the spirit of State Defense in the minds of Gen Z. Together with dr. Taufiq, the participants discussed the challenges of brain engineering technology. This is discussed because the wave of change is very fast.


"Two important things are roots and branches. At this time, we must have strong roots and branches that can reach anywhere and as far as possible," said dr. Taufik.

Roots can be interpreted spiritually and branches are likened to utilizing technology wherever and whenever.

The technology that is currently developing has its own uniqueness, just as technology allows humans to know themselves better.

Dr. Taufiq said defending the country can be seen from how our human resources are. UPNVJ is a campus with the identity of Defending the Country as the foundation for national resilience.

"You as UPNVJ students are lucky students, because your foundation has been cultivated to become someone who is strong for the nation"

In his discussion dr. Taufiq gave many relevant examples to show the importance of self-foundation for current developments, especially for Gen Z.

Mind mapping regarding the challenges for the nation's future, namely the extraordinary demographic flow of non-physical people and the increasing number of people, globalization of the world without borders, this must be considered for Gen Z which can be a threat as well as an extraordinary challenge, and technology is a 'slave' as well as 'lord'.

The technology is a solution, not a threat, like brain engineering technology. BCI (Brain Computer Interface) direct interaction between the brain and the machine, a chip attached to the head, a typing brain (Thought Powered Typing), and Artificial Intelligence technology: Sophia (a female robot with abilities that almost match human intelligence).

Dr. Taufiq said the biggest obstacle faced by Gen Z is self-isolation, such as distancing those who are close to them. This is a challenge for Gen Z to maintain solidarity with technological developments and not fall too deep into self-imposed isolation.

At the end of the event dr. Taufiq advised to maintain collaboration without eliminating differences, strengthen roots and master life.



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