The UPNVJ Lecturer Team Creates a Technology Product Program which is Dissembled to the Community


HumasUPNVJ - Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is a fish commodity that lives in fresh water and is widely consumed by the public. Catfish contains nutritional value that is no less important than the meat of other land animals. Even catfish meat generally contains lower cholesterol and is good for brain intelligence, especially for children who are still in a period of growth and development. Catfish farming is currently one of the business opportunities that many people run, because the demand for catfish will continue to increase and will never subside.

The problems faced by Partners are (1) the difficulty of doing water treatment for catfish farming, (2) the sorting process that takes a long time, because it still uses the conventional system (manual), (3) The pearl curug fish group has not been around for a long time formed, so there is still a need for technology transfer, (4) lack of public knowledge, especially regarding diversification of processed catfish food products, and (5) selling prices (market) are very volatile.

The solution offered to partners is to provide assistance on water filtration technology for catfish farming ponds, training on the diversification of processed catfish food products which have beneficial values as an alternative to developing a catfish farming business. Methods of activities that have been carried out and will be carried out include: (1) Socialization of the program, (2) Preparation of equipment and materials, (3) Manufacture of a pond water filtration system for catfish farming, (4) Implementation of dissemination activities for filtration technology products, (5) Implementation of the manufacture of catfish processed food products, (6) Assistance in the process of using catfish aquaculture pond water filtration, and processed catfish food products, and (7) Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of activities

The results of this activity are an effort to assist partners in developing pond water filtration systems in the Curug Mutiara fish cultivating group, and to diversify processed catfish food products in the Empowerment and Family Welfare Mobilization Group (TP-PKK) Curug Village, so as to increase the productivity of aquaculture products and the development of catfish-based processed food products which in the end can provide added value to the welfare of society.

Community service program activities carried out at the Pokdakan Curug Mutiara location, Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, the dissemination of pool water filtration technology began with program socialization to partners to discuss plans for program activities to be implemented. The activity started with a field orientation, followed by coordination with Curug village officials regarding requests for permits to carry out PTDM activities. Furthermore, discussions were held with activity partners, namely the Curug Mutiara catfish cultivating group to obtain general data related to catfish farming business. The results of the discussion obtained are an overview of the partner's problems in conducting a catfish farming business, including problems with pond water quality, besides that the problem of procuring fish feed is very high so that it affects the selling price of the harvest.

In carrying out the dissemination of pond water filtration technology, socialization and counseling was carried out by presenting resource persons, and attended by participants/partners from catfish cultivating groups, Head of Curug Gunung Sindur Village, Bogor Regency, Representatives from the Bogor Regency Fisheries and Livestock Service Office. The socialization and counseling activities began with remarks delivered by the Head of Curug Village, and the Chief Executive of PTDM, which were followed by the presentation of material by resource persons and questions and answers.

The PTDM program was implemented well thanks to the collaboration between all parties involved, namely the UPN Veteran Jakarta implementing team, Curug Village Officials, and the Curug Mutiara Catfish Farming Group as PTDM activity partners, have a role in implementing activities, with the hope that the program can continue running to increase the productivity and quality of catfish farming managed by partners. The participants' contribution and participation in participating in this dissemination activity were very enthusiastic, especially the catfish cultivator group partners in Curug Village who were able to benefit after being given material on pond water filtration technology in developing a catfish farming business. Activity participants play an active role in assisting in preparing supporting facilities for the implementation of activities.

Thank you to the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Deputy for Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency for funding the 2020 Technology Products Program for Community Dissemination (PTDM). Thank you also to the activity partners, in this case the Head of Curug Gunung Sindur Village, Bogor Regency and the Head of the Curug Mutiara Catfish Farming Group.




  1. M. Ikhsan Amar, S.Gz, M.Kes
  2. Dr. Asep Kamaluddin Nashir, S.Ag, M.Sc
  3. Budhi Martana, ST, MM

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