The Pandemic Is Not a Barrier, UPNVJ Conducts Online Socialization of Penmaru


HumasUPNVJ - We have been faced with the Covid-19 Pandemic for almost 1 year. Many things have changed drastically, especially in the world of education. All teaching and learning activities are carried out online (in the network). Not only that, all seminars and even the socialization of new student admissions are also carried out online. At the beginning of the pandemic it was very difficult to adapt to new habits like this but seeing the enthusiasm of #belanegara friends and all UPN Veterans Jakarta academics who continue to fire up to be productive together during this pandemic makes us all able to fight together to continue think clearly and continue to carry out productive activities, of course.

One of the fiery enthusiasm can be seen from the UPNVJ Public Relations Team, which has started to be active in providing socialization to schools regarding applicants, even though it is actually done online. The pandemic is not a barrier to continuing to provide important information to the whole community, especially for prospective new students (cambaba).

Some time ago the UPNVJ Public Relations team was invited to take part in a socialization organized by SMA Muhammadiyah Pamulang (13/1) and SMAN 28 Kab. Tangerang (15/1). Apart from these two schools there are still several schools and more outreach activities in the future.

The Head of the Public Relations Technical Implementation Unit (Ka. UPT Humas), Windhi Tia Saputra accompanied by other Public Relations Team, Wibisono Arif and Disa Prihantini gave a presentation related to information about applicants starting from the UPNVJ entry process, infrastructure facilities, tuition fees, to information related to student activity units (UKM) at UPNVJ. At the end of the socialization activity, it was seen that many students were enthusiastic about participating in this socialization by asking a number of questions related to UPNVJ at the end of the session.


"There are no significant differences or obstacles that we feel with holding this online socialization. We just do everything by thinking positively, even though everything has its pluses and minuses, this online socialization makes it easier for us to reach schools that are even outside the city because it's made easy with existing platforms such as zoom and google meet. The drawbacks that we feel are, of course, communication that is intertwined with the screen, but that's not a significant obstacle. Said Windhi.

Even though it's online, all activities can be handled properly.

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