Collaborating with the Indonesian Embassy in China, FISIP UPNVJ Holds a National Seminar

HumasUPNVJ - Indonesia as one of the countries with the 4th largest population in the world, of course, cannot be separated from the threat of problems in various fields which are quite large as well. To anticipate this, Indonesia needs a lot of research and innovation from various groups, especially academics so that Indonesia is better prepared to face challenges in the future. Seeing this condition, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held the 2021 National Seminar with the theme "Opportunities and Challenges for Research & Innovation of Indonesian Students Both Domestically and Abroad" on Monday (22/2) through Zoom Meeting application.

National seminar activities held by FISIP UPNVJ regularly in a year. This is indeed intended to facilitate final year students to be able to present their research results, but before that students will be provided with material debriefing by experts and major figures in Indonesia.

This year, FISIP UPNVJ had the honor to receive debriefing from Dino Rachmadiana Kusnadi as the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the People's Republic of China, Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP as Secretary of Directorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and Nikkolai Ali Akbar Velayati as Chair of the Chinese Indonesian Student Union.


As an opening, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA. gave his speech and motivated the 400 participants who attended.

The Chancellor saw that currently the productivity of research and innovation from students, especially at the undergraduate, postgraduate, to doctoral levels, seems to be still insufficient when compared to the number of graduates where the ratio is still relatively small. Whereas research and innovation will have a good impact on the country's development.

"If we look at it, it seems that countries that invest in research and innovation are better prepared to face economic problems because they have research and innovation results that can be anticipated in economic activities, including the problem we are currently facing, namely Covid-19 in health." said the chancellor.

By holding the National Seminar this semester, the Chancellor of UPNVJ hopes that the students who attend can improve the reading culture in order to improve the quality of research and innovation that is beneficial to the people of Indonesia.

"Without research, it seems that there will be no innovation and without innovation, of course, there will also be no development of this nation's competitiveness." closed the Chancellor of UPNVJ in his remarks.

The first material was provided by the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the People's Republic of China Dino Rachmadiana Kusnadi. He explained that it is very important to maintain bilateral relations between Indonesia and China, this can be implemented through research and innovation carried out by the two countries. China as one of the countries that is quite advanced in developing the digital economy, railways and other applied technologies to become a supply chain in the world.

"Students and university students are now playing an important role as a form of human relations (diplomacy) because turmoil in international politics will continue to exist so that the role of students is needed to foster diplomatic relations at the people to people level," said Dino.

As Chair of the Chinese Indonesian Students Association, Nikkolai Ali Akbar Velayati provided insights into the values and principles applied by the Bamboo Curtain country in carrying out a culture of research and innovation. Based on his experience while studying in China, the people there are never satisfied. This causes their knowledge and research to always develop and be sustainable according to the needs of their respective eras.

“Applied technology will always be needed, especially in everyday life. For example, in China, now market traders or food stalls use online payments instead of cash." said Nikolai.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP explained that one of Indonesia's targets in 2045 is to become one of the countries with the fourth strongest economy in the world with the title of the seventh strongest economy in 2030. This is based because as a country, Indonesia wants to be a sovereign, developed, just country. , and prosper. However, as is well known, with the presence of a pandemic, Indonesia has also experienced many problems in the economic sector. That is why, the Ministry of Education and Culture is here to provide an innovative Merdeka Campus curriculum.

"The independent campus curriculum will support students, especially in the research and innovation department. Starting from research research, entrepreneurship, even to village development. This is very important considering that the current problems in Indonesia are around inflation, infrastructure activities, the fiscal crisis, and many others that require the contribution of innovative thoughts and ideas from students in order to build a better Indonesia in the future and achieve our targets in 2030 and 2045” said Paristyanti.

With the completion of the material session, the activity continued with the presentation of research results by 164 final year students who were divided into several sessions. The results of this student presentation will be reviewed by the reviewers. The selected writings will be directed to be published in accredited national journals or accredited international journals.

As Chief Executive of the 2021 National Seminar on FISIP UPNVJ, Garcia Krisnando Nathanael, S.Sos., M.Sc. hopes that this seminar can improve the quality of student writing from year to year, and can build international cooperation in an effort to improve IKU UPN Veteran Jakarta.


Author: Riyana

Editor: Jessica Milenia

Documentation: 2021 Semnas Committee

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