HumasUPNVJ - In general, Learning Videos are a set of auxiliary or complementary tools used by educators in order to communicate with students, in addition, to follow up on the Rector's Circular No. 66/UN61/SE/2021, the UPN Veteran Jakarta Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute held a Learning Video Workshop which was carried out online via the zoom platform by presenting Angga Liberty Pratama as the speaker and moderated by Andhika Octa Indarso as Head of the UPNVJ e-learning center. (19/7)
Anter Venus, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, in his remarks gave many directions regarding the purpose of making this learning video workshop . Satria Yudhia Wijaya as the head of LP3M, also gave some directions regarding aspects of the content, format and video criteria that would later be made by UPNVJ lecturers, "You need to know, for the format of learning videos according to what is stated in the Rector's SE No. 66 which has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels with a duration according to the number of credits or divided into 15, 30, 45 minutes to make it easier to upload. The rendering format must also comply with MP4 and 7 minutes of video (2 minutes for photos) = 14MB and or 6 minutes of video ( full photos) = 24.5MB. Obviously Satria in his direction.
This learning video workshop was held for two days, today and continued on Wednesday with different presenters. Angga Liberty, who was the first speaker, explained a lot about theory and how to produce learning videos that were in accordance with what was expected by the university, "In accordance with the existing Bloom's Taxonomy, it is necessary to consider the classification in the cognitive domain, including; Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation”. he said
Angga Liberty explained several things related to the pre-production stage, production to the post-production stage.