MBKM Curriculum Benchmarking, UPNVJ Accepts Online Discussion with USNI Jakarta

HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve academic quality and unify perceptions of the Independent Learning Campus curriculum (MBKM) Satya Negara Indonesia University (USNI) Jakarta invites UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) to carry out Benchmarking which is conducted online, on Thursday (22/07/21 ).

" I am very grateful to UPN Veteran Jakarta for being willing to take the time to be able to discuss with us. We hope for some enlightenment regarding the MBKM program so that we can run it properly, "said the Chancellor of USNI, Dwi Ernaningsih

In this case, Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm as UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs said that in this MBKM program several parties must be involved and collaborated so that the goals that are desired together can run well. The parties involved include the Chancellor and his staff, Lecturers, Public Relations and Bem.

"In the MBKM program, we have to form a permanent team, if our UPNVJ is chaired by Mrs. Lidya, then we make sure that the team runs well so we can develop this program," said Dr. Anther Venus.

He also added that reporting is the most important factor in collaborating for higher education learning. Dr. Anter Venus said that there is a coordinating approach, which is the most suitable approach for the MBKM program, for example a student exchange.

In this discussion, USNI Chancellor Dwi Ernaningsih also hopes to learn a lot from UPN Veterans Jakarta regarding the MBKM program. He also expressed his gratitude to the UPN Veterans Jakarta for preparing details regarding the important points in the MBKM program.

" We on the part of USNI really hope to be able to have a lot of discussions with UPNVJ regarding this MBKM program, thank you for the enlightenment in determining the implementation criteria, " said the USNI Chancellor.

With this Benchmarking , it is expected that both parties can collaborate and synergize to implement the MBKM program well and achieve common targets.

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