UPNVJ Holds Second Day Learning Video Workshop


HumasUPNVJ - The second day of the Learning Video Workshop which was held on Wednesday 21 July 2021 was also held online via the zoom platform attended by approximately 80 participants consisting of UPN Veterans Jakarta lecturers from each faculty.

The second day of the workshop presented Bonny A Suryawinata ST. M. Ars and his team to discuss the procedures for "Creating Video Based Learning independently".

Bonny as the Knowledge Multimedia Manager also presented several of his teams, including Djoko Raditya Dyan as the Senior Editor to explain the importance of learning videos in an era like this, "Why do we have to discuss videos more first? I have summarized some data from the Indonesia Digital Report 2021 with respondents aged 16 to 64 years with the result that 98.5% of the respondents were more interested in watching videos online, as many as 74.3% of respondents watched vlogs and the remaining 84% listened to streaming music, 52 .1% listen to radio and 58.0% listen to podcasts”. Obviously


Raditya also explained in more detail regarding Video Based Learning "If we deepen this VBL there will be many types, namely talking heads, infographics, tutorials, illustrations and interactive ". Raditya continued

Besides Djoko Raditya, Bonny also presented Taufan Dermawan and Heru Santoso as videographers from Binus University who discussed "Power Point Presentation Recording and Video Editing Process", "There are several things that need to be considered when making learning videos including; Bumpers , Titles, Opening, Learning Objectives , Core Materials, Conclusions, Closing and References. The readiness of the material can speed up the recording process and determine the quality of the existing visuals . he said

Bonny's team provides lots of tips and tricks as well as tutorials for making good and correct learning videos.

The activity ran effectively and was followed by discussions with the participants present.


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