UPNVJ-Polda Metro Jaya Holds Covid-19 Vaccination

HumasUPNVJ - Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) in synergy with Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta Indonesian Student Regiment Alumni Association (IARMI), and Jakarta Student Regiment (Menwa) to hold a Covid-19 vaccination program which will be implemented at Pondok Labu Campus, South Jakarta , Saturday (31/7/2021).

"This vaccination program is a form of UPNVJ's support for the government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in creating community resilience to the corona virus that causes Covid-19. Participants must be 12 years and over," said UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp. KJ, MH in Jakarta, Thursday (29/7/2021).

People who wish to take part in the vaccine program are asked to register via Google Form at the link bit.ly/Vaksinasi_UPNVJ and be present on time on Saturday (31/7/2021) at 07.30 WIB to take a queue number. For people who do not register via Google Form, they can also register directly by attending at 07.30 WIB to take a queue number and fill out a printed form that has been prepared by the committee.

During the vaccination, participants are asked to bring a photocopy of their identity card (KTP) or a photocopy of their family card for those who do not have an ID card and bring personal stationery. Participants are also advised to have breakfast first and not to vaccinate on an empty stomach.

"During the vaccination, participants must comply with health protocols by wearing masks, keeping their distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility," said Ria.

Before vaccinating, participants who register online or come directly to the location will undergo a screening first to ensure the participant's health condition. (*)

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