Continuation Meeting of New Student Admissions for New Bachelor of Physiotherapy Study Program

HumasUPNVJ - Following up on the issuance of the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree No. 409/E/O/2021 regarding the permit to open the Physiotherapy study program for the undergraduate program at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University, a meeting was held today in this regard, taking place in the Nusantara 2 meeting room, which was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Head of Physiotherapy Study Program. (13/10)


Vice Chancellor, Anter Venus said that the steps to follow up on the opening of study programs must be accelerated. "We are given until October 18 to make a decision and prepare documents that will be submitted to LLDIKTI regarding the acceptance of new students in the Physiotherapy S1 Study Program," he said

Acceptance of new students, especially in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy study program, starts from October 11 to October 18. Dean of Fikes, Dr. drg. Wahyu Sulistiadi, MARS said that his Faculty was ready to accept new students, "In principle, we have prepared everything, both from the infrastructure and the lecturers. The strategy we use to inform this includes contacting alumni, D3 students to the general public. We hope that this information can be conveyed to alumni, fellow professional students and the community so they can join together to become students of this Physiotherapy Bachelor (S1) Study Program, "he concluded.

The plan is for the entrance examination for the physiotherapy study program to be held on October 23 with the CBT ( computer based test ) mechanism with the announcement of acceptance on October 25 2021.


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