HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a Workshop on Mapping Human Resources (HR), Capacity Building and Public Service Agencies (BLU) Equation of Perceptions, on Thursday - Saturday, 21 - 23 October 2021.
This activity invited resource persons Syafrudin Irfan (Practician in HR/Psychologist), Nengathia, S.Ag., M.Sc (TVRI Announcer/communication expert), Sukmayanti Randireksa M.Psi., (Psychologist/Principal Director of PT Monekar Jaya) .
Syafrudin Irfan delivered material that motivated the participants to work with clear goals with perseverance, patience to achieve individual targets that had been instilled by each participant which in the end individual targets could realize the goals/targets of the institution.
In his remarks the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPNVJ, he conveyed that this activity was intended to relax or reduce the tension that has been felt by lecturers and students so that it is hoped that after this activity lecturers and students will get new energy so they can run faster to achieve the targets that have been set. specify.
Directions and development policies to be carried out by the UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business, he started with the UPNVJ FEB targets or milestones in 2016-2020 (National Quality Standards, Accredited by BAN-PT), 2020-2024 (Toward International Accreditation), 2025 – 2030 (International Accreditation/International Certification).
To support the Vision and Mission of FEB UPNVJ "To become a Faculty of Economics and Business that is superior, of international quality, innovative, competitive, and has a national defense identity for the development of Indonesian society", this milestone is a stage to achieve this target.
Furthermore, it was stated in the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Economics and Business for the Medium and Short Term Plans where one of them was HR development planning, this activity was an effort to improve human resources carried out by the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Jakarta.
Mapping human resources is one of the indicators that can support the development of institutions because besides this it will be supported by capacity building , namely to strengthen the capacity of individuals, groups or organizations which is reflected through the development of capabilities, skills, potential and talents as well as mastery of competencies so that individuals, groups or organizations can survive and be able to overcome challenges.