HumasUPNVJ - The UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine again held the 67th online Doctor's Oath which was attended directly by the Chancellor, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and his staff, representatives of the UPNVJ Teaching Hospital at Friendship Hospital, Prof. Dr. dr. Ratnawati SpP (K)
South Jakarta Indonesian Doctors Association representative, dr. M Yadi Permana SpB K. Onk, as well as 57 newly appointed doctors. (19/10)
Dr. Erna Hernawati, UPNVJ Chancellor congratulated and supported and hoped for the 57 new doctors who had been appointed, "Congratulations to all the doctors who were inaugurated today, I hope that all the knowledge that UPNVJ has, especially the lecturers and doctors that have been given to all of you, can be implemented and applied. well into your new life as a doctor. Be a dignified, trustworthy and responsible doctor and continue to make your alma mater proud. We also thank all lecturers, doctors and FK UPNVJ partners who have continued to support our students to this day," he said.
Dean of FK UPNVJ, dr. H. Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak in his speech conveyed many messages to all doctors who were appointed, “Today, as many as. Smiles, tears of emotion, and a sense of pride also mixed into one. Today we all have sworn an oath before God Almighty, also witnessed by the people we love, we promise about togetherness in partnership, about humanitarian missions, and professional trust. Today we officially have the title of doctor, bearing in front of our name, inherent in our every step when we go down to society to serve and serve. Becoming a doctor is not only for yourself, not only for family and relatives, not only for friends and friends but for the nation and the state, for all Indonesian people wherever friends will serve later," he said
"Today is the day we have been waiting for the most, after years of receiving medical education, passing dozens of preclinical exams, compiling a thesis and all revisions until finally we were graduated as a Bachelor of Medicine/Sked. But it's not over yet. We all still have to go through a period of clinical studies or what we usually call coas. We had to go through 13 stations in various hospitals, not only in Jakarta but even outside the city. On Saturday afternoon we were still in Jakarta, but on Monday morning we had to be on duty in Purwokerto. Well, that's the twists and turns of our journey. Our journey in the village was funny and beautiful to remember, but we don't want to repeat it. The current pandemic conditions forced us to be at home for the last few months. We all have to adapt, study online and then start being active again at the hospital with all the existing conditions. Furthermore, we have gone through various clinical exams, starting from the Koas test, the comprehensive exam, to the peak, namely UKMPPD. Congratulations I say once again to all my friends, you are great, "continued Taufiq full of emotion
"Finally, congratulations to all colleagues. Passion to serve and continue to work. This is not the end of our struggles. Rather it is a starting point for all of us to become great doctors, doctors who will continue to be at the forefront in maintaining the health of all Indonesian people. Believe me, I always pray for all my friends," he concluded.
The total number of doctors who have been sworn in by FK UPNVJ to date is 2,846 people.