UPNVJ Wins IKU Award from Director General of Higher Education and Research and Technology, Said the Chancellor

HumasUPNVJ - The Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) won an award for achieving the 2020/2021 state university Main Performance Indicators (IKU). UPNVJ occupies the middle position of 70% with 35 achievement points.

This was conveyed through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education and Research and Technology number 135/E/KPT/2021 concerning the Achievement Award for Key Performance Indicators of State Universities within the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Year 2020/2021.


UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak. CPMA, CA, CGOP in their opportunity to be interviewed directly by the Public Relations team, on Tuesday (19/10/21), said they were happy with the current achievements but would immediately make improvements to several indicators that had not been achieved.

"There are 8 criteria or KPIs that PTN must achieve according to the PTN status category. We have reached almost 85% of the indicators available, "he said

It should be noted, 8 criteria or Main Performance Indicators (IKU), namely: 1. Graduates Get Decent Jobs 2. Students Gain Experience Off-Campus 3. Lecturers Do Activities Off-Campus 4. Practitioners Teach On-Campus 5. Lecturer's Work Is Used by the Community 6. Study Programs in Collaboration with World Class Partners 7. Collaborative and Participatory Classes 8. Study Programs with International Standards.

"At point 5 it has been reached, point 7 has been reached while at point 2 in 2020 the Merdeka Learn Their Campus program (MBKM) has just started so it has been carried out but has not fulfilled the achievements" he explained to the public relations team.

Dr. Erna also conveyed a follow-up to make the most of the several points that had not been achieved in the indicator.

"In point 1 we encourage tracer studies , which will definitely improve the quality of graduates to be absorbed in the world of work, one way to improve the learning process, training for lecturers, and strengthening laboratories," he explained.

"At point 2 this year we encourage students to have 20 credits outside the campus which has been attempted by changing the curriculum to MBKM public lectures so that in the 5th and 6th semester curriculum their students are required to take 20 credits outside the campus".

Apart from that "the effort for point 4 is for permanent lecturers with doctoral degrees, this is still an obstacle for us, but we are trying to recruit doctoral lecturers, finance school for internal lecturers who do not yet have a doctoral degree and indeed there are several other obstacles but they have been resolved too with the help of the Ministry of Education and Culture," he explained.

On Research, Dr. Erna said that the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) is always on the move to monitor lecturers regarding research performance, so that with this UPNVJ pushes the maximum for community service programs carried out by lecturers.

Before ending the conversation Dr. Erna also said that UPNVJ is currently preparing study programs with international accreditation to improve the quality of learning and graduates.

In hope Dr. Erna emphasized that this achievement was the dedication of the Leaders and the teamwork of all units in UPNVJ, so that the results of collaboration with all of them are highly expected to achieve more achievements than now.

"Every year's IKU is our target, if IKU is achieved then we will fulfill our shared vision. I also really hope that IKU can be the target of all leaders and all members of the community so don't think that IKU only belongs to the university because IKU is an assessment of the smallest unit, namely study programs, faculties, institutions and bureaus so I hope all can collaborate to achieve IKU to support UPNVJ's vision," he hoped.

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