Meaning National Defense Day, UPN Veterans Performs Flower Sowing at the Kusuma Negara Yogyakarta National Hero Cemetery

HumasUPNVJ - National Defense Day started with the declaration of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI), which was formed December 19, 1948 by Syafruddin Prawiranegara in West Sumatra. To commemorate the historic event that occurred in Bukittinggi and in order to maintain the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), the government has set this date as National Defense Day. In addition, this also refers to Presidential Decree Number 20 of 2006.


Talking about National Defense Day, there are many things that can be done to commemorate this commemoration every year, one of which is by making a pilgrimage to the hero's graveyard, as well as the three UPN Veterans who scatter flowers at the Kusuma Negeri Yogyakarta National Hero Cemetery Park with adhere to strict health protocols. (19/12)

According to the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak. CPMA, CA in his interview with the public relations team, this flower sowing activity is a series of activities to commemorate the day of defending the country which will make all UPNVJ academics able to increase their love for the motherland, "Sowing flowers at the hero's graveyard is done to commemorate the services of the heroes, especially in the field of education that has fallen, apart from that this momentum is also a reminder, encouragement and reinforcement of the value of defending the country within the academic community, especially UPNVJ," he said.

The Pilgrimage program begins with a tribute to the deceased and the heroes, stops the ceremony and then lays a wreath at the hero's grave monument led by the Chancellor of UPNVYK, Prof. Dr. Ir. Irhas Effendi, MSc.

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