Commemorating National Defense Day, Three UPN Veterans Carry out a Joint Ceremony

HumasUPNVJ - As we know, December 19 is celebrated as National Defense Day (HBN). This warning originates from the declaration of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) which was formed on December 19, 1948 by Sjafruddin Prawiranegara in West Sumatra. (

As a state defense campus, UPN Veteran Jakarta together with UPN Veteran East Java and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta carried out a ceremony in commemoration of State Defense Day which was held at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta which was attended by university leaders, representatives of lecturers and education staff from each UPNV. (19/12)

The commemoration of National Defense Day 2021 takes the theme "Spirit of Defending My Country, Indonesia is Tough Indonesia is Growing". This theme suggests that all Indonesian people can inflame and implement an attitude of willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and the state and to continue to grow together to fight unyielding towards an advanced Indonesia.

In the address of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, which was read by Prof. Ir. Irhas Effendi as Chancellor of UPNV Yogyakarta, President Jokowi invited all Indonesian people to jointly safeguard the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) with the spirit of defending the country.

"The task of defending the country is not only the task of the TNI and Polri. However, defending the country is the duty and obligation of all of us as citizens of Indonesia, as part of the nation's components. For this reason, I invite all of us to jointly do the best for the nation and country according to our respective roles and professions," said the Chancellor of UPNVYK conveying President Jokowi's message.

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