HumasUPNVJ - Saturday 5 December 2021 is still in the series of activities at the Jakarta Economic Sustainability International Conference which was held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) with an agenda for Webinars and International Scientific discussions, as well as a series of JESICA closing agendas.
In the Webinars and International Scientific Discussions on the third day, two presenters came from Mexico and Indonesia.
Before entering the main event, Fachru Novrian ., Ph.D delivered a Welcoming Remark, he said that JESICA was trying to bring economic renewal with an agenda of scientific discussions conducted by several experts from several countries in the world. He also expressed his gratitude to all parties who attended and were involved in the 1st JESICA which was held.
The first resource person was Prof. Oscar Ugarteche from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Opening his presentation session, he said that he was very pleased and happy because he had been invited to the JESICA event organized by FEB UPNVJ. On this occasion, he presented material entitled " The Shift In The International Economic Axis and The New International Financial Order ". In his presentation, he explained several discussion points such as Global Economic Dynamics, GDP growth of Asean countries, G7, AL+C in 2020, the massive US external deficit, who is investing in the US stock market, and other related discussions. He presented the material competently and scientifically based on credible and factual data.
The second resource person was filled by Dr. Fadhil Hasan who is a senior economist in Indonesia. He presented the theme of global economic discussion related to the Covid-19 pandemic entitled " Economic Transformation After Pandemic Covid-19 ". He discussed the economy before the Covid-19 pandemic, rising commodity prices, declining manufacturing, post-Covid-19 economic trends and other discussions related to the economy and Covid-19. He presented material in a comprehensive, competent manner, and was equipped with scientific data.
The activity ended with a scientific discussion between the speakers and panelists guided by a moderator. There were four panelists who conducted QnA in this discussion activity, namely Mrs. Tata Mustasya, SE, MA, Mr. Faizi, SEI, M.Si, Ph., Mr. Dr. Aswin Rivai, SE, MM, Mrs. Rahmasari Fahria, SE, MM, and Mrs. Ayunita Ajengningtyas SM, SE, M. Accy, M. Comm, CAAT. The discussion went smoothly and was full of useful scientific treasures and ended with a Closing Remark delivered by the Dean of FEB Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, SE, Ak., M.Ak, CA, CSRS.