It's Been Four Years, UPNVJ Is Back To Be The Center For The Implementation Of The 2022 UTBK

It has been four years in a row that UPN Veterans Jakarta has become one of the organizers of the Computer-Based Writing Examination – Joint Selection for State University Entrance (UTBK – SBMPTN). In 2022, the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) in collaboration with several State Universities (PTN) throughout Indonesia once again held the UTBK – SBMPTN in two batches. The first batch starts from Tuesday, May 17 2022 until Monday, May 23 2022, for the second batch starts on Saturday, June 28 2022 until Friday, June 3 2022.

In line with this, UPNVJ has prepared several aspects for this national activity, including infrastructure, facilities, human resources (committee on duty) from public relations, documentation, to health committee.


Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm, UPNVJ Vice Rector for Academic Affairs met up with UPNVJ Public Relations on the first day of the UTBK implementation explaining the preparations prepared by UPNVJ, "We hold UTBK of course with very meticulous preparations, considering UPNVJ has been working with LTMPT for four consecutive years - and become one of the UTBK centers in the Jakarta area. Starting from the computer network, required applications, electricity, space, parking facilities, human resources (committee on duty) even continuing to prepare fairly strict health protocols Even though the pandemic conditions have started to decline, UPNVJ still adheres to the health protocols: we provide queue lines and the Peduli Lindungi barcode for the participants to scan. Some time before the UTBK was held, we also gave directions to all the affiliated committees so that the UTBK at the UPNVJ UTBK center runs smoothly," he explained.

“UPNVJ as one of the UTBK centers has an available capacity of 18,805 seats, of which 100% have been utilized. Our daily quota reaches 700 seats (510 at the Pondok Labu campus and 190 seats at the Limo Depok campus), a total of two locations and 29 rooms being used," said Venus.

Venus explained that in principle there is no significant difference in the implementation of UTBK from 2019 to 2022, "UTBK has relatively the same standard of preparation, the only difference is the transition period from 2019 to 2020. For the rest there are no significant differences, everything is well coordinated by the central committee,” he explained.

Venus hopes that the 2022 UTBK implementation process will run smoothly without any significant obstacles in it.


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