HumasUPNVJ - Wednesday, July 20, 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held a CORRELATION OF Economic Research, Accounting, and Management Conference. This activity is one of the annual activities organized by FEB UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) with two main agendas, namely Seminar and Call For Paper.
Seminar in Correlation is intended for Lecturers, students, and the general public who have an interest in discussing the material that has been determined. Meanwhile, Call for Paper is intended as a forum for discussion of student research results that can be followed both from within and from outside UPN Veterans Jakarta.
CORRELATION which was held in 2022 is the third year of implementation. The theme for this event is Digital Transformation for Independence and National Economic Sovereignty after the Covid-19 Pandemic.
“The implementation of this CORRELATION activity is intended as a forum to develop the potential of students and lecturers from conducting research. In addition, the seminars held are expected to add insight for us, especially regarding digital transformation following the post-COVID-19 technological changes," said Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Seminar events are held in two schemes, namely offline and online. The seminar was held in the Unity in Diversity Hall, 4th Floor, UPNVJ as well as through zoom meetings and Youtube.
This event was also attended by the Dean of FEB UPNVJ and his staff, education staff, and UPNVJ students, as well as invited guests. This activity was also attended by Deny Agung Pribadi, S.Kom, SE, M.Sc as keynote speaker. In addition, this event also invited Mohamad Eka Gonda Sukmana, SE, M.Si, CRISC, Dr. Muhammad Ismail, along with Faizi SE, I. M.Si, P.hd as resource persons.
The theme of this activity was motivated by the development of technology and information which gave a new face to the development of the financial services industry. This also happened because of the COVID-19 which resulted in changes in the mechanism of life, especially the use of technology.
With the improvisation carried out by business people, a financial business innovation was born, namely financial technology (fintech). With the innovation between the combination of technology and financial services, it is expected to have a major impact on the Indonesian economy.
“The Call For Paper activity was attended by participants from various agencies. There are 232 participants who will take part in the Correlation Call for Paper which will be held for 2 days, namely 20 and 21 July 2022. All participants or presenters come from within UPN Veterans Jakarta and from outside UPN Veterans Jakarta, such as UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, Nahdatul Ulama University Sidoarjo, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarya, STIE Tanjung Pinang Development, and BPS," said Ratna Hindria as the Chief Executive.