Anter Venus Talks About the Role of Universities and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veterans Jakarta Research and Community Service Institute officially held a Research and Community Service Week with the big theme "Building Penta-Helix Synergy in Order to Increase the Relevance of Research and Community Service." This activity was held for a week from 22-26 August 2022.

The opening of this event was carried out on the first day (22/08/2022) in a hybrid manner which took place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Lt.4 and through a Zoom Meeting . Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs. Anther Venus MA. Comm had the opportunity to attend and give a presentation on the Role of Higher Education and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas. "SDGs this Village refers to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 59 of 2017 concerning national sustainable development goals. In addition, it also refers to PerMendes No. 13 of 2020 concerning Priority for the Use of Village Funds in 2021.” Venus said.


There are 10 Village SDGs priorities presented by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs; 1) Villages without poverty, 2) Villages without hunger, 3) Healthy and prosperous villages, 4) Involvement of village women, 5) Villages with clean and renewable energy, 6) Village economic growth is evenly distributed, 7) Consumption and production of environmentally conscious villages, 8) Peaceful village with justice, 9) Partnership for village development, and 10) Dynamic village institutions and adaptive village culture.

Venus in her presentation also explained that there were three key elements of interaction between the PT, the village and the SDGs, namely; 1) PT is a "CIVILIZATION" institution based on scientific studies and interventions, 2) The village is a unitary area that is populated and has its own government system that has the potential and opportunity to develop, 3) SDGs are a sustainable development agenda that binds the central government to the village to implement 17 agendas and 94 targets.

Next, talking about the dimensions that make up the Development Village Index, Venus said that there are three dimensions that influence it. “The SDGs-based Developing Village Index has three forming factors; first in the economic field, then social, and lastly the environment.” Call Venus.

Furthermore, Venus explained that in the economic field it includes village products, access to distribution, access to trade centers, access to financial institutions, economic institutions, and openness. In the social sector includes Health, Education, social capital, and housing. Finally, what concerns the environment is the quality of the environment and the potential for disaster.

According to Venus, the right implementation steps for realizing sustainable development by universities can be started by mapping village development needs starting from the baseline , local values, needs, potentials, and also targets. Furthermore, pentahelix-based intervention planning is needed through a network of partnerships. After that, socialization, literacy, and raising involvement in institutional strengthening, competency/capacity, regulation, and communication are carried out. Finally, there is a need for participatory intervention.

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