LPPM UPNVJ Holds OJS Electronic Journal Management Workshop 3

HumasUPNVJ - Institute for Research and Community Service UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Workshop on Electronic Journal Management Using Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3 at The Margo Hotel, Depok, West Java. (8/9)

The activity was filled by scientific journal activist Asep Erlan Maulana, S.Kom., M.Kom and facilitated by Dwi Fajar Saputra, S.Sos., MM LPPM also invited journal managers from every faculty at UPNVJ.

Not only that, the Workshop on Electronic Journal Management Using OJS 3 is also open to the public. Until the event took place, there were 10 general participants from various institutions who took part in the workshop activities. There are three main materials presented in the workshop, namely the first material on set-up and modification of the appearance of OJS 3. Then the first material also discusses the use of tools , such as dimensions badges and metrics .

Furthermore, the second and third materials were delivered by Dwi Fajar Saputra, S.Sos., MM. On his occasion, Dwi Fajar explained the flow of publication, publication of manuscripts, and also publication posts. The second 3-day Electronic Journal Management Workshop Activities Using OJS focuses on reviewing the results of the discussion of the material on the first day. Through this activity, Asep Erlan Maulana as the resource person answered several questions from the workshop participants.

By holding this workshop , LPPM hopes that journal managers will have sufficient provisions for changes to the existing journal system. "Our goal in making this event is to prepare managers when there is a change in the journal system," said Dwi Fajar Saputra, S.Sos., MM


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