LPPM Conducts FGD on Research and Community Service Arrangement in Depok City

HumasUPNVJ – LPPM UPN Veteran Jakarta visited the Depok City Government Office on Tuesday (6/9/2022) to follow up on the MoU that had been agreed between the two parties and as a continuation of the LPPM and Bappeda Depok City meetings which had previously been held several times. This visit also served as a forum for the FGD for the Preparation of a Roadmap for Research and Community Service in Depok City.


Deputy Mayor of Depok, Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono, is optimistic that the development of Depok City can run well according to the target if all parties involved can work together as they should, "I'm sure that development in Depok can be fast if all stakeholders can help each other carry out development." Priest said.

Imam admitted that Depok is trying to take an approach to invite various parties from the academic community to run a campaign promise program and a flagship program that can synergize with universities. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, UPN Veteran Jakarta also openly wants to participate in developing the City of Depok.


Through this opportunity, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati. Ak, CPMA, CA, stated that the university wanted to improve the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in research and community service, "The collaboration between Depok and UPN has actually been going on for a long time, it's just very partial. After meeting Mr. Dadang and LPPM communication, our intention is to improve the quality of our Tri Dharma, especially in research and community service. We are committed that if we work together, we must be able to leave a useful footprint.” Erna said.

University participation in developing Depok City can also be used as a benchmark for evaluating lecturer performance. Therefore, Erna hopes that the Depok City Government can utilize UPN Veteran Jakarta to assist the development and development of Depok City towards the desired target.

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