UPNVJ Senate Determines Three Chancellor Candidates

HumasUPNVJ – The Senate of the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) has appointed three candidates for chancellor in a closed Senate Session which was held Wednesday (31/8/2022), namely Dr. Anther Venus, MAComm; Dr. R. Dudy Heryadi, MSi; and Dr. H Abdul Halim.

“The UPNVJ Senate appointed Dr. Anther Venus, MAComm; Dr. R. Dudy Heryadi, MSi; and Dr. H. Abdul Halim as a candidate for chancellor through a voting election mechanism. These three names will then be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," said the Chairman of the UPNVJ Senate Prof. Dr. Bambang Waluyo, SH, MH after the determination of the three UPNVJ Chancellor Candidates which was held in Nusantara Meeting Room 1, UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/8/2022) evening.


The Chairman of the Senate hopes that the three candidates will always behave well, keep working well and always be professional. There should be no behavior from the chancellor candidates that harms the democratic process in the ongoing chancellor election.

The UPNVJ Senate Session selected the five candidates for chancellor who were successfully selected by the election committee to become three candidates for chancellor. The five prospective rector candidates who were successfully screened by the previous election committee, namely Dr. Anther Venus, MAComm; Dr. R. Dudy Heryadi, MSi; Prof. Dr. drg. Wahyu Sulistiadi, MARS; Dr. H. Abdul Halim, MAg; and Dr. dr. Taufiq Fedrik Pasiak, MKes, MPdI.

Chair of the UPNVJ Chancellor Election Committee Satria Yudhia Wijaya, SE, MSAk said the stages of selecting a chancellor were screening, screening, and selecting. The Senate meeting on Wednesday (31/8/2022) evening was the screening stage, namely choosing three chancellor candidates from five potential chancellor candidates.

The selection committee began recruiting potential rector candidates from May 18 2022. During the registration period for prospective candidates, only three people registered, so the registration period was extended.

“During the extension period, three people registered but failed to fulfill the administrative requirements. Under the direction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, registration was extended again. In the second extension of registration, the election committee succeeded in selecting two more potential candidates, "explained Satria.

Following up on the three chancellor candidates that have been determined by the Senate, the selection committee will send the files of the three candidates to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology for analysis. The analysis from the Ministry is expected to last for one month, after which a chancellor election will be held.

"We hope that through this Chancellor Election, UPNVJ will have leaders who are able to bring this campus into an international quality university and produce graduates who are competitive and have the identity of Defending the Country," he said.

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