Strengthening Relations, LPPM UPNVJ Study Comparative to Telkom University

HumasUPNVJ- LPPM UPN "Veteran" Jakarta conducted a comparative study visit to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) Telkom University. This comparative study visit was warmly welcomed by DPPM Telkom University. (1/9)

The comparative study aims to increase knowledge and insight through discussions related to research and community service carried out by both parties. In addition, this visit also aims to build relations between UPNVJ and Telkom University.


In his remarks, the Head of LPPM UPNVJ, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and friendly welcome from the DPPM Telkom University, "We actually want to learn from Telkom University regarding the culture of research and community service carried out by the lecturers here," said Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem.

Telkom University DPPM Director, Dr. Kemas Muslim L., also said that they still need to study with UPNVJ as one of the state universities in Jakarta. After remarks from both parties, the comparative study activity was continued with profile presentations and also discussions regarding the achievements that had been obtained previously, "For us, the organizational structure is still too streamlined. From public universities there are usually 4 heads. So we also still need to learn a lot from UPNVJ," said Dr. Pack Muslim L.


Telkom University itself focuses on innovation culture, resources, and also governance. With this culture of innovation, it is hoped that it can create a variety of new innovations from lecturers, students, and funding, "Not only innovation, we are also increasing national and international collaboration. Each Faculty is also directed to collaborate. Then all these collaborations will also be supported by every Faculties at Telkom University," he continued

Furthermore, Telkom University also explained the various innovative findings that have been produced by the lecturers and students. Responding to this, the Secretary of LPPM UPNVJ, Dr. Ibnu Malkan asked about the collaboration between LPPM UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and DPPM Telkom University, "Of course we are very open to cooperation and collaboration from various parties in research and community service," concluded Dr. Pack Muslim in his speech.

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