Enthusiastic Development of HR Capacity for AKPK UPNVJ Bureau

HumasUPNVJ - Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation UPN Veterans Jakarta held a Capacity Building in order to Improve Operational Services for the Implementation of Education at UPNVJ which was held for three days, Thursday - Saturday, 20 to 22 October 2022 at Pesona Alam Resort and Spa , Bogor. (20/10)

As is well known, Capacity Building or employee capacity development is an activity carried out to improve the abilities of employees, both individuals, community groups and social institutions from the aspects of knowledge, skills and behavior through activities that are of course packaged in an attractive way. In line with this, it is hoped that all AKPK employees will be able to further improve their performance capabilities within the UPNVJ environment.

Drs. Sarlan, as the Coordinator for Academic and Student Affairs conveyed a report on the Capacity Building activities organized by AKPK, "As we have agreed, this activity is an activity that we actually carry out routinely but in the last two years, we have all been in a vacuum due to constrained by the COVID -19 pandemic. We just got back together, so take advantage of this togetherness as our motivation to work together even more optimally. We also invite colleagues outside AKPK because they always help us in all series of events that have been realized/organized by AKPK," said Sarlan.

Plt. AKPK Bureau Head, Dra. Intan Hesti, in his speech said that this activity was held of course with the aim of implementing work cultural values within UPNVJ, namely PIKIR, "Thank you to all the teams who attended, we have fulfilled the targets from each division. With this capacity building , we hope that all of us will receive good benefits according to the vision, mission and values of UPNVJ's work culture, namely PIKIR, namely Professional, Integrity, Struggle, Innovative and Responsive, "concluded Intan

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