The Dissolution of Girigahana Through a Long Process

HumasUPNVJ - Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Student Affairs at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp.KJ, MH said the disbandment of the Girigahana Nature Lover Student Activity Unit did not occur in a short time, but through a process and dynamics that was quite long.

"There were several problems with Girigahana before the Chancellor finally decided to disband Girigahana, starting from bullying and physical violence reported by students' parents to finding objects that violated the law by the police in the secretariat room," said Ria in writing in Jakarta, Saturday (29 /10/2022).

Bullying and physical violence during Girigahana activities was reported by parents of students on October 15, 2021. Parents of students reported that when the campus banned all student activities offline, Girigahana continued to carry out various activities off campus.

The Covid-19 pandemic, with its transmission rate still quite high, has forced the government to impose restrictions on community activities. UPNVJ also limits student activities and prohibits offline activities on campus and allows online activities.

Because of this policy, all student activities cannot be carried out on campus, including Girigahana who cannot carry out activities in the secretariat on campus. However, parents of students reported that Girigahana members were still carrying out activities offline at a member's house which is located not far from the campus.

“Students who are members of Girigahana reportedly have to come to the house of a member who is still a UPNVJ student. Some students were even picked up by force at their homes, “explained Ria.

Even on October 13-17 2021, Girigahana held activities at Mount Salak, Bogor without the permission of the Chancellor. The Girigahana Daily Governing Body sent a letter requesting permission for the activity to the parents of the Girigahana youth members signed by the general chairman and secretary without the Rector's knowledge.

Students who are reluctant to take part in these activities, or who wish to leave Girigahana are intimidated both mentally and physically. Based on reports from students' parents, the Chancellor then conducts inspections and handling.

From the investigations conducted, it was found that there was some evidence that there had been bullying, physical violence, and activities carried out without the permission of the Rector. The Chancellor finally decided to freeze Girigahana through Chancellor Decree Number 1684/UN61.0/HK.02/2021 concerning the Temporary Suspension of UKM Girigahana UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Activities dated December 3, 2021. The freezing was carried out to foster Girigahana while protecting students who are members of Girigahana .

“Like other nature-loving groups, we understand their membership is for life. Even after graduating from UPNVJ, he remains a member. Because of that, we also ask Girigahana members of UPNVJ alumni to help in the training," said Ria.

However, during the freezing period for coaching, it turned out that there were more serious violations. It started when the police came to the Pondok Labu campus on March 17 2022 at night to develop a case after the arrest of a UPNVJ alumni who had been the chairman of Girigahana but was fired because of a case of forging signatures.

Accompanied by UPNVJ security officers, the police found illegal objects inside the Girigahana Secretariat. The finding of prohibited objects was then handled by the police, while the Rectorate who received a report about the incident also conducted an internal inspection and handling.

It was discovered that the prohibited items belonged to members who had become UPNVJ alumni, parties who were actually expected to help the Rector in developing Girigahana. Finding prohibited objects is a serious violation, and it is feared that it will have a much worse impact on students who are members of Girigahana and UPNVJ students in general.

"Moreover, the prohibited items found were not in small quantities, so it is suspected that they were not only used alone but are very likely to be distributed. Because of that, the Chancellor has decided to dissolve Girigahana on September 29, 2022," said Ria.

The decision to disband Girigahana was stated in Chancellor's Decree Number 1372/UN61.0/HK.02/2022 concerning the Disbandment of the Girigahana Student Activity Unit at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University. Apart from disbanding Girigahana, the Chancellor's Decree also prohibits all forms of activities carried out by, on behalf of, and/or with the same name, or affiliated with Girigahana on and off campus.

Ria hopes that all parties can understand the Chancellor's decision to dissolve Girigahana. The Chancellor realized that Girigahana was a student activity unit that had existed for a long time and had contributed quite a lot to UPNVJ. However, a series of violations committed by members, both those who were still UPNVJ students and alumni, made the Chancellor take a firm stance to dissolve Girigahana.

"This dissolution was carried out to protect UPNVJ students from the negative effects that could occur from a number of violations that occurred. This does not contradict the Independent Campus policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," said Ria.

Public Relations of the Jakarta Veterans National Development University
For further information, please contact Anisa Triselia (082225618765)

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