UPNVJ Public Relations Begins to Intensively Conduct 2023 Penmaru Socialization

HumasUPNJ - Approaching the admission period for new students, Humas UPN Veteran Jakarta was again invited to be a guest speaker to attend a socialization held by SMA Pangudi Luhur. (14/10)

As usual, Humas provided information related to faculties, study programs, infrastructure, tuition fees, Student Activity Units (UKM) to information related to scholarships at UPNVJ.

Windhi Tia Saputra together with Disa Prihantini, UPNVJ Public Relations said that in 2023 there will be several changes regarding the pattern of new student admissions which was initially held by LTMPT (Higher Education Entrance Writing Institute), "a new policy announced by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology ( Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology) Nadiem Makarim, said that LTMPT will no longer be the organizer of the selection of new state university admissions (PTN) starting in 2023, "said Windhi

In his presentation, Disa Prihantini said that the changes that had been submitted by Dikbud would be well implemented by UPNVJ, "UPNVJ welcomed them and would follow the provisions and rules given by Dikbud. We as a state campus will thoroughly follow the policies of the Education and Culture while preparing everything that is sustainable with the process of admitting new students in the coming year," he added.

Approximately 100 students participated in this outreach, which were divided into several classes and held in a hybrid manner.


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