Together with the Depok City National Narcotics Agency, Hundreds of UPNVJ Employees Conduct Urine Tests

HumasUPNVJ - In order to respond to the rise of narcotics abuse in Indonesia, UPN Veteran Jakarta together with the Depok City National Narcotics Agency held a urine test activity for employees and lecturers in the campus environment. (1/12)

With the increasing number of drug users from year to year in various countries, as well as the rampant distribution of drugs in all circles, both children, adolescents and even productive age, it is necessary for us as individuals and society to be concerned in building the character of this nation's next generation.

As an educational institution that aims to educate the nation's life, UPNVJ is very concerned about the continuity of quality future generations. Therefore, the university initiated a urine test activity in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency in realizing a drug-free Indonesia. The event took place on Wednesday, December 7 2022 at the Tanah Airku Hall, UPNVJ Limo Campus, Depok and was attended by hundreds of academics.


Through the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi said in his interview that this event was carried out based on Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2020. "This activity was based on Presidential Instruction number 2 of 2020 concerning early detection of drug abuse, so we carried out this urine test. This is our real form of carrying out the Presidential Decree to detect early if there is drug abuse in the campus environment accompanied by a team of health workers from our own campus and later the results will be reported to the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology "

Pras expressed his hope regarding the holding of this activity to all components at UPN Veteran Jakarta to avoid drug abuse. "These narcotics can damage our mindset and mental health, so with this activity we hope that our beloved campus will be free from drug abuse and if there is one, it can be detected early. Furthermore, this event will be routinely held every year in accordance with what was conveyed in a letter from the Ministry of Education and Culture, he concluded.

The Head of the Depok City BNN , AKBP Heru Prasetyo, SIK, M.Hum was also directly present at this activity. In his statement, Heru said the purpose of carrying out this activity "The goal is generally to detect early related to narcotics abuse, the legal umbrella is the implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 2 of 2020, it is written that the President orders 10 Ministries and Institutions from the Minister to The Regent is to carry out national actions, one of which is the examination of this urine test."

Heru added that although this was the first collaborative activity between BNN Depok City and UPNVJ, in the future he hoped that this activity could be held more frequently. "My hope is that this synergistic collaboration will continue, because the principle of fighting drugs is a joint war, so in the future this activity can be increased in frequency," he said


BNN cannot work alone in solving drug problems. For this reason, participation and a spirit of cooperation are expected from all components of the UPNVJ academic community. The hope is that drug trafficking can be stopped and there will be no more dealers or victims of drug users.

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